Tag Archives: former-singer

Still Stuntin’: Melody Thornton Flosses Her Petite Physique In Rockin’ Red Kini

Look who is out getting bronzed again… Former Pu$$ycat Dolls singer Melody Thornton brought her bangin’ bawwwwwwdy back out again Thursday, this time in a red bikini. She was spotted working on her tan and taking selfies with her cellphone. We rarely see her rocking her curls… You like? How about them patty cakes? PacificCoastNews Continue reading

Diddy Protege Busted in Spousal Slice ‘n Dice

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Wacky & Weird , Nurse! The former singer from Diddy’s MTV reality show “Making the Band 2” has once again made the cut — but cops say this time Sara Stokes was using a knife … to stab her own husband.

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Diddy Protege Busted in Spousal Slice ‘n Dice