Tag Archives: former-talk

Montel Williams stops by to talk about medical pot

OAKLAND — Emmy award-winning former talk show host Montel Williams was in town Tuesday for a second time seeking information about opening a medical cannabis facility here. He met with Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan, who said Williams was interested in applying for one of the city's pot permits to grow refined strains of medical cannabis that he uses to treat the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. He was diagnosed with the disease in 1999. He has since become a vocal proponent of medical marijuana. http://www.insidebayarea.com/oaklandtribune/localnews/ci_15843749 added by: JackHerer

Neo-Nazi Boots TV Shrink in the Head

Filed under: Celebrity Justice A guy with a swastika carved into his forehead jumps on a table and kicks a former talk show host in the head — and shockingly, it wasn’t Jerry Springer. The guy on the receiving end of the kick was former TV host and real-life shrink Dr

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Neo-Nazi Boots TV Shrink in the Head