French authorities are pressing four suspects involved with the Kim Kardashian Paris robbery with charges of armed robbery in an organized gang, kidnapping, criminal association, and complicity
California Criminal Get Caught After Snapchatting With His Victim Despite the fact that taking flicks doing illegal isht is incredibly stupid, people still seem to make the mistake. Unfortunately for this guy, this stupidity might’ve cost him a hefty jail stint. Recently, NBC reported that this man, Victor Almanza-Martinez, was one of four suspects in an armed robbery at Lovers Point Park in Northern California. Leave it to a real social media addict to exchange snapchat info with one of the female victims, after robbing them of their belongings including a 2013 Chrysler 200. Talk about thirsty! It wasn’t long after that were able to identify the robber via snapchat ID and he is now facing charges for armed robbery, kidnapping, possession of stolen property, conspiracy, violation of probation and gang enhancements. Ol’ boy’s bail is set at a whopping $170,000. What the hell is the world coming too?