Today, of course, we know Bérénice Bejo as The Artist ‘s irrepressible movie sensation Peppy Miller and as a contender for this year’s Best Supporting Actress Oscar. But back in 1997, she was just another young actress paying her dues in France. Which apparently led to… this . David Poland points us today to the short film Enceinte Ou Lesbienne? , featuring Bejo as a daughter who tests her family’s domestic idyll with that tough question perennially on every young lady’s lips: Pregnant or lesbian? It’s your typical early-career case of everyone involved doing the best they can with what they have; Bejo’s fine. But as a coming-out method, I can’t say I’d recommend it? But you tell me. [via The Hot Blog ]
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Pregnant or Lesbian? Watch Bérénice Bejo Ask the Tough Questions in 1997 Short Film