Tag Archives: franci-neely

A Biracial Family Was Having A Photoshoot In The Park When #SidewalkSally Attacked Them For ‘Trampling The Grass’

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A crazed White woman, whose being dubbed #sidewalksally, violently attacked a biracial family who was having a photoshoot for their daughter in the park. Footage shows Kelyn Isaiah Allen and their one-year-old daughter Anja, who was dressed in an adorable pink outfit, were interrupted when a barefoot Franci Neely approached them and disrupted their shoot before trying to strike the father. View this post on Instagram TSR STAFF: Thembi! @ThembiTV_ _____________________________________ Imagine trying to have a cute little birthday photoshoot for your 1-year-old daughter, and a #SidewalkSally ruins that moment for you. That’s what happened to Kelyn and Isaiah Allen when they were rudely interrupted as they were taking pictures of their daughter, Anja. _____________________________________ Y’all, they had it all set up. Balloons, a blanket, and all of that on a beautiful sidewalk. Everything was going well until a woman identified as Franci Neely confronted them because she was reportedly upset that they set up their props on the sidewalk. Watch the video to see how it all unfolded! : @thewallflowr | @insideedition A post shared by The Shade Room (@theshaderoom) on Feb 20, 2019 at 4:16pm PST Neely, the ex-wife of the Houston Astros owner Jim Crane, inherited $30 million from their divorce. Anja can be heard screaming on the footage as Neely curses and attempts to move their setup before slapping the father’s camera away. ‘About 35 minutes into our 1hr shoot we heard a voice shouting in our direction – and when we turned to look it was this woman rolling up in her car, shouting through her window: “You are trampling the grass that WE pay for”,” the Allens told Click2Houston . According to the couple, she was yelling things like, “You’re trampling the grass, that we pay for, you need to leave,’ even though we were on the walkway talking the picture.” She continued to complain they were on private property. “(She was) very aggressive, in our face. It was escalating to the point where my wife suggested I start recording.” Apparently there were other photographers taking photos in the area. “It was pretty quiet. There were some other photographers taking pictures, people walking their dogs, couples, so it was pretty peaceful, pretty quiet,” Allen said. “A lot of people said, ‘Cute baby.’ They were smiling, that sort of thing.” What was supposed to be a joyous occasion turned terrible, but we have a feeling this family can expect a big pay day soon thanks to Neely. That $30 million will come in handy. RELATED STORIES: #PermitPatty: White Woman Calls Police on 8-Year-Old Black Girl Selling Water Oakland Has Another Message For ‘BBQ Becky’  

A Biracial Family Was Having A Photoshoot In The Park When #SidewalkSally Attacked Them For ‘Trampling The Grass’