Tag Archives: free-enterprise

Marco Rubio Reaches For Water Awkwardly During State of the Union Response

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) delivered his party’s response to President Barack Obama’s 2013 State of the Union address last night, and did a nice job. The Senator’s remarks were somewhat overshadowed, however, by the fact that at one point, he was seen awkwardly reaching for water in mid-speech. Marco Rubio State of the Union Response Before the clock struck midnight, there was already a #ThirstyRubio hashtag, various fake Twitter feeds (@Water4Rubio) and countless other memes. Among the more obvious: “Stay thirsty my friends.” Rubio and his team responded in kind with a Twitter photo (below) poking fun at the incident, which was pretty much all they could do after it went viral: The Senator’s interns might be sweating this morning after they left him out to dry (sort of literally), giving a long speech with no water easily within reach. Joe Biden and John Boehner had it right in front of them. Enough said. “I needed water, what am I going to do?” Rubio joked on Good Morning America Wednesday. “God has a funny way of reminding us we’re human.” On policy, Rubio didn’t embarrass himself in the least, compellingly talking about his working-class roots, his student loans, and his modest bedroom community. The 41-year-old Cuban-American rehashed familiar anti-Obama talking points about big government vs. free enterprise, and tax hikes vs. spending cuts. One interesting omission was the fact that he barely talked about immigration, a complex issue he has been extremely vocal about in the recent past. The young Republican has long been talked about as a possible presidential candidate in 2016; his name was floated as a V.P. candidate in 2012.

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Marco Rubio Reaches For Water Awkwardly During State of the Union Response