Tag Archives: frenzied-state

SMH: Red Bull Is The Devil.. It Made Me Murk My Father!

This is some straight random ridiculousness right here… Red Bull is accused of second degree murder by a Florida resident! Stephen Coffeen says Red Bull, in part, made him do it. The Pinellas County, Florida man said through his attorney that a lethal combo of the energy drink and lack of sleep put him into a frenzied state that led him to smother his 83-year-old father to death with a pillow in December 2009. Coffeen’s lawyer George Tragos is arguing that because of such circumstances, his client be found not guilty by reason of insanity in his ongoing trial. “The insanity at the time of the offense is normally a perfect storm where all sorts of factors come into play all at once, all at the same time causing the break down.” Will this Red Bull induced ‘breakdown’ be enough to claim insanity and dodge a 30+ years for murder? When pigs fly! Not even his own flesh and blood is buying this bulls**t. “Stephen Coffeen’s brother Thomas told WFTS-TV he doesn’t buy his brother’s “high-energy” defense. “It’s crap; I don’t even think the man even drank Red Bull,” Thomas told the station. “They can not 100 percent tell me he did not know what he was doing.” SMH and we thought we had heard it all before.. Source

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SMH: Red Bull Is The Devil.. It Made Me Murk My Father!