Tag Archives: fridge-as-fast

How About Some McCord Sisters in Costume of the Day

I know it’s not as good as a gang of McCord sisters on a flaming bus rolling down a ravine into a pond filled with sharks and maybe it’s not as good as a gang of McCord sister living out a real life horror movie…whether in a country cabin being tormented by crazed psycho killers…or even being possessed by demons or ghosts…that suck them into their household appliances eternally lost….and I know it’s not nearly as good as half naked, tap into their inner slut McCord sister porno sister fetish…but I figure they won’t be around for a long time, I figure they’re on their way back home, we just have to wait for that shitty show financing these twats to end….So Here are a gang of useless sisters…for no reason other than a hopeful goodbye…or maybe I’m doing it for the weird historian into renaissance erotica….who cares.

See original here:
How About Some McCord Sisters in Costume of the Day

Jessica Simpson’s “Fat or Pregnant?” Clever Costume of the Day

Everyday is Halloween for Jessica Simpson…I mean sure…She’s looking like a middle aged Texan soccer mom on her way to the grocery store to buy meat for her Hamburger Heler….and sure I like that she rolls, and I mean that in the rolling down the stairs to the fridge as fast as she can , as well as the competitive bread eating, as much as I mean hanging with a chubbier girl than her to make her look skinny. Oldest trick in the book….and sure I like that she’s out there trying to get knocked up to make the pregnancy rumors true, otherwise she’d have to admit the fat suit she’s been working on the last 5 years for the costume that is part of her, was a bad idea that got her no where… So here’s Jessica Simpson dressed like she’s either pregnant, or fat, with a fatter chick to make her look skinny, except when it comes to competitive eating contests between them, that Jessica Simpson dominates. Who cares.

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Jessica Simpson’s “Fat or Pregnant?” Clever Costume of the Day