Tag Archives: from-creeping

Kate Moss Dancing for Top Shop of the Day

I love watching girls dance but I haven’t gone to the stripclub recently, mainly because it’s dull. Sure I love seeing bitches get naked, but I am so over watching bitches get paid to get naked. They are uninspired and seem like robots working the assembly line of taking off clothes and letting dudes grab your tits for money. They are like fast food workers cuz no matter where you are in the world, you know what you are going to get. Same moves, same outfits, same acts, same everything. It’s fucking cookie cutter, and I guess that’s why they are strippers and not running ad agencies or the Cirque du Soliel…. So I’ve decided to try to find everyday bitches in dance, from creeping on Salsa classes, to creeping on Jazzarobics, to high school dance shows, to dance recitals, and none of the shit did anythinf for me, cuz I realize I need to see pussy when a bitch dances….so it’s safe say as much as I love girls dancing and hate strippers….seeing pussy makes everything better. So here is Kate Moss, a model not a dancer, doing some bullshit dance campaign for some show she is probably a part owner in, and she isn’t showing her pussy, which is a good thing, cuz after years of banging needle-sharing heroin addict rockstar gutter dick has left her pussy a fucking mess…but I guess this is for old times when she was worth jerking off to….

See the original post here:
Kate Moss Dancing for Top Shop of the Day