Tag Archives: mainly-because

Gabrielle Union Butt Shot of the Day

Gabrielle Union is the Dwayne Wade Basketball player wife, who was a black actress and may still be one…I’ll have to check Black Twitter… All I seem to see there is that Joe Jackson died…. So I’ll have to explore wikipedia to figure out that this 45 has been the token black girl in a lot of movies, and that at 45, is still showing off her ass in a bikini, sexualizing herself, because if you look this good, at least from this angle at 45, you’d doing a total disservice to the rest of the world by not showing it off….or at least a disservice to her exhibitionist self… Point being, she looks good and she’s cool, mainly because she is an actual rape victim who doesn’t whine about it like all these other girls who get their ass grabbed or walk into hotel rooms of celebrities to see them jerking off….all you other bitches are soft…

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Gabrielle Union Butt Shot of the Day

Gabrielle Union Butt Shot of the Day

Gabrielle Union is the Dwayne Wade Basketball player wife, who was a black actress and may still be one…I’ll have to check Black Twitter… All I seem to see there is that Joe Jackson died…. So I’ll have to explore wikipedia to figure out that this 45 has been the token black girl in a lot of movies, and that at 45, is still showing off her ass in a bikini, sexualizing herself, because if you look this good, at least from this angle at 45, you’d doing a total disservice to the rest of the world by not showing it off….or at least a disservice to her exhibitionist self… Point being, she looks good and she’s cool, mainly because she is an actual rape victim who doesn’t whine about it like all these other girls who get their ass grabbed or walk into hotel rooms of celebrities to see them jerking off….all you other bitches are soft…

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Gabrielle Union Butt Shot of the Day

Madonna’s Topless Louie Vuitton Purse Ad of the Day

Madonna is bored in Lisbon, where she lives now, because she’s training her black she adopted to be a professional football /soccer player, because that’s what entitled weirdo white people do to feel better about themselves… I saw that Sandra Bullock movie about the racists who paid a black guy to go pro in the NFL…I know how plantation owners worked…..it’s oppressive..in this case mainly because Madonna Pulled her Damn Tits Out.. No one wants to see that shit…I mean, I’m fine seeing that shit, because I am a pervert and like all tits, bad tits, tits that were once good tits…but at 60…with all the plastic surgery she’s had done…this is out of some kind of horror movie… The post Madonna’s Topless Louie Vuitton Purse Ad of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Madonna’s Topless Louie Vuitton Purse Ad of the Day

Sophie Turner Does the Pussy Eating Gang Signs of the Day

Sophie Turner is some Game of Thrones bitch who is really not that interesting to people like me who don’t do the whole Game of Thrones thing, mainly because it has wizards and dragons in the shit, which in and of itself is too fucking lame as fuck for me to really fully immerse myself in… She’s just a basic looking girl who won some lottery up on some Kristen Stewart shit…and here she is watching Dick Clark’s AI doing some Dick Clark New Years Eve bullshit…sticking her tongue between her fingers in the international bro wanting to eat pussy, offensiveness, that if a guy was to do, he’d get arrested for sex offense, or at least fired from his job, but this bitch does it and it becomes empowering – like a black dude using the N word…you know making pussy eating her own… The post Sophie Turner Does the Pussy Eating Gang Signs of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Sophie Turner Does the Pussy Eating Gang Signs of the Day

Bianca Booth is Not Instagram Hooker of the Day

Bianca Booth is some Bali based instagram model who has a million followers and is a co-owner of a swimwear brand – which is really the clever hustle of the smartest instagram models out there – they all do it….because they need an excuse to post shameless slutty pics – otherwise it takes away potential brand deals…you know let the nipples out, let the world see the nipples, because the nipples, and really everything about this girl is hot bodied and I understand her instagram following…mainly because you can buy 1,000,000 followers for 5,000 dollars… The world is a lie…..but I appreciate young entrepreneurs doing their thing. I want to take business lessons from her. The post Bianca Booth is Not Instagram Hooker of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bianca Booth is Not Instagram Hooker of the Day

Britney Spears Tight Body Sings Bonnie Raitt of the Day

Britney Spears gave the people something to talk about this past weekend in vegas, because her ass looks fucking amazing….and I guess because she sang for the first time in her career, like actually sang into a microphone and people were just so blown away by that fact, that this broken woman in her late 30s, a pawn to her family, still earning money to pay K-Fed the Genius his alimony, set for life motherfucker….because normally she’s too medicated to actually sing, and just does song and dance lip syncing.. I don’t think her singing of Bonnie Raitt’s song is that great, but 100,000 people watched it…and claim that it was some standout Britney performance…which I guess isn’t saying much. I just think her body is fucking great, that ass, mom of two, with the banged out pussy, so good… I’d like to give her something to talk about, like “How did I let this K-Fed Situation happen twice, that Jesus Martinez was just so seductive with his back-up dancer limp dick moves”….you know…cuz I like her…or at leat her body…she’s Britney Bitch…. The post Britney Spears Tight Body Sings Bonnie Raitt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Britney Spears Tight Body Sings Bonnie Raitt of the Day

Chloe Bennet Spitting on Herself and Flashing Nipple of the Day

She’s on a show called Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D…..which sounds terrible, one of those “Why the fuck does TV put money into this low budget shit shows”….because there is no creativity in the world…”But then I realize it’s Comic Book shit…and that makes money…people fucking love Comic Book Shit…for whatever reason, even people who don’t read and never did read comic books love this comic book shit, and I just think the whole thing is ridiculous…mainly because the production budgets of these shows are so bootleg, some Xena Warrior Princess level of shit….worse than most pornos but people still watch. Weird.. Well, the slut of the show is spitting on herself and possibly flashing nipple and that in and of itself should be enough for your pervert Chloe Bennett loving ass…fet life for life you weirdo… The post Chloe Bennet Spitting on Herself and Flashing Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Chloe Bennet Spitting on Herself and Flashing Nipple of the Day

Elizabeth Olsen Armpit Fetish of the Day

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I know people with armpit fetishes…most girls get uncomfortable when you start fucking with their armpits, as I’ve been known to eat their armpits out like it is their pussy, mainly because it’s next to my face while I’m fucking them, and I have limited mobility and just like the idea of flopping my tongue around like a retard trying to solve a puzzle…all dopey and shit… I like it….I wouldn’t say it’s a fetish, I know a dude who would only cum by pit fucking a girl…he’d try the traditional holes, but could only get off with PIT…While my armpit fetish is less of a fetish, I can live without it, but I like it enough to do it….while girls are generally not into it…so it’s something…on the weird spectrum…just not overly extreme So seeing Elizabeth Olsen drying her armpits in a bathroom for her social media…is an interesting thing to see…from armpits, to little legs in a squating position, in a mini skirt and heels, while sweaty like a ditch pig…it’s almost too much to handle… The post Elizabeth Olsen Armpit Fetish of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Elizabeth Olsen Armpit Fetish of the Day

Ashley Tisdale Crops Out her Face for Social Media Butt Shot of the Day

Ashley Tisdale is on vacation…and in a bathing suit…and she’s strategically shooting some hot body bathing suit erotica for hits..some social media action…because her body is good…it’s fit…..and as long as ugly Face Tisdale is hiding behind sunglasses, a mask, her hand, or the tools like a bathing suit that she usually uses to try to divert people’s attention from her below average, even awkward looks..it works for me…because an ugly face doesn’t actually offend me, I just find satisfaction in calling her out, because she’s chosen the hollywood life not me, and in terms of hollywood, she’s pretty fucking average…which is probably why she’s not more famous than she is…but in terms of girls I’ve had sex with she’s a little above average -but mainly because I’ve had sex with some monsters…but face..means nothing…when there are ass / tits and pussy to stare at…. So here’s Tisdale bringing it like it matters when it really doesn’t… The post Ashley Tisdale Crops Out her Face for Social Media Butt Shot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ashley Tisdale Crops Out her Face for Social Media Butt Shot of the Day

Ireland Baldwin is Still Trying of the Day

My favorite person who has blocked me on all social media – because I guess she just can’t stand seeing my name pop up when I leave erotic messages on her social media posts – Ireland Baldwin – the one who got away, mainly because she’s big and has strong powerful legs I can’t keep up with…but also because she’s had a series of really weird breakdowns…from being a surfer girlfriend in love….to being a gothic lesbian…to going to rehab…to coming back with face fillers…as her cousin get the career she wanted to get herself…in what is a sad story for those who feel sorry for themselves, but shouldn’t because their parents are rich and they can potentially do anything they want in life…but for some reason…tehy all want to be models and social media influencers…it’s fucking weird…but at least that comes with tits…cleavage…nipples…nudes…all things slutty for attention…like this dress.. The post Ireland Baldwin is Still Trying of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ireland Baldwin is Still Trying of the Day