Tag Archives: flashing-nipple

Britney Spears Tight Body Sings Bonnie Raitt of the Day

Britney Spears gave the people something to talk about this past weekend in vegas, because her ass looks fucking amazing….and I guess because she sang for the first time in her career, like actually sang into a microphone and people were just so blown away by that fact, that this broken woman in her late 30s, a pawn to her family, still earning money to pay K-Fed the Genius his alimony, set for life motherfucker….because normally she’s too medicated to actually sing, and just does song and dance lip syncing.. I don’t think her singing of Bonnie Raitt’s song is that great, but 100,000 people watched it…and claim that it was some standout Britney performance…which I guess isn’t saying much. I just think her body is fucking great, that ass, mom of two, with the banged out pussy, so good… I’d like to give her something to talk about, like “How did I let this K-Fed Situation happen twice, that Jesus Martinez was just so seductive with his back-up dancer limp dick moves”….you know…cuz I like her…or at leat her body…she’s Britney Bitch…. The post Britney Spears Tight Body Sings Bonnie Raitt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Britney Spears Tight Body Sings Bonnie Raitt of the Day

Chloe Bennet Spitting on Herself and Flashing Nipple of the Day

She’s on a show called Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D…..which sounds terrible, one of those “Why the fuck does TV put money into this low budget shit shows”….because there is no creativity in the world…”But then I realize it’s Comic Book shit…and that makes money…people fucking love Comic Book Shit…for whatever reason, even people who don’t read and never did read comic books love this comic book shit, and I just think the whole thing is ridiculous…mainly because the production budgets of these shows are so bootleg, some Xena Warrior Princess level of shit….worse than most pornos but people still watch. Weird.. Well, the slut of the show is spitting on herself and possibly flashing nipple and that in and of itself should be enough for your pervert Chloe Bennett loving ass…fet life for life you weirdo… The post Chloe Bennet Spitting on Herself and Flashing Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Chloe Bennet Spitting on Herself and Flashing Nipple of the Day

Julianne Hough Nipple of the Day

Julianne Hough is flashing nipple for Dancing with the stars, because she wanted to generate some buzz about the final episode or something….equally unimportant… This isn’t the first time she’s taking a hit for the team, the last time involved being a beard for Seacrest and his pile of money….that probably pretended to fuck her up the ass like he wanted a man to fuck her up the ass, while jacked up on some party drugs…snorking Dick Clarke’s robot asses off her clip.. Right… Well here’s her nipple… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE Julianne Hough Julianne Hough Nipple of the Day Julianne Hough is flashing nipple for Dancing with the stars, because she wanted to generate some buzz about the final episode or something….equally unimportant… This isn’t the first time she’s taking a hit for the team, the last time involved being a beard for Seacrest and his pile of money….that probably pretended to fuck her up the ass like he wanted a man to fuck her up the ass, while jacked up on some party drugs…snorking Dick Clarke’s robot asses off her clip.. Right… Well here’s her nipple… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Julianne Hough Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Julianne Hough Nipple of the Day

Eva Longoria Nipple Slip In Citizen K

I know It’s rare to hear the words Eva Longoria and nipslip in the same sentence, but it really is happening. Here she is dressed up as a slutty futuristic businesswoman in some magazine called Citizen K , I’ve never heard of it either, but she’s flashing nipple so who cares. She actually looks kinda hot, at least her body does, her face unfortunately still looks like Eva Longoria , but I like that the make up department tried their best to disguise it

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Eva Longoria Nipple Slip In Citizen K