New Girl In The Spider’s Web Trailer This sequel to the international smash Girl With The Dragon Tattoo just fell out the sky but it actually looks good and stars Lakeith Stanfield who gets all Mission Impossible-y in this thrilling extended clip. The Girl In The Spider’s Web hits theaters November 9th.
I think I see the Third Olsen Twin, or would it be triplet, since she is made from the same sperm and uterus, but was the back-up plan the parents got to cultivate knowing that the other two would have made so much fucking money being exploited that they would fall off the scene and do things like create a billion dollar fashion’s their thing…making money…while this one can just stroll in, late for the party, disheveled and showing nipple, I think that’s nipple…because nipples are so mainstream…and everyone gives her work because of her last name…and the most interesting thing about her is that she actually looks human, whereas the twins are some scraggly shit you can assume comes from fighting over momma’s milk…assuming they were breasfed and not just taken to the Full House Set…who knows.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Elizabeth Olsen Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Cristina Visterneanu is some thirsty instagram model…I guess…there are so many of them on this network of nude girls on instagram accounts that pretend to be “fashion” or “hipster” magazines, but that are just lame softcore porn that attract girls who want to be models, or who pretend to be models, who are just in love with themselves and like being on camera…for creepy perv photographers who need a fake publication to attach themselves to – so that these shoots aren’t just for the same of showing the world your clit hood…but rather for a higher purpose..that anyone with a brain knows is a fucking lie…except maybe the photographers believing their own bullshit…or the models…thinking they’ll be the next Emrata… So Cristina Visterneanu…whoever the fuck she is…is ok…she’s in sheer panties and isn’t famous, in porn, a model, but touches on all those things in a DIY way…and gotta support the DIY…their eagerness is affordable…and some of them actually make it…so help keep her dream alive… The post Cristina Visterneanu Photoshoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Gisele Bundchen is in Vogue Brazil, her home country, and she actually looks better than she used to look. I remember when she first started popping up, a very long time ago, for Victoria’s Secret, I was convinced she was a Brazilian tranny who escaped dying of AIDS, for the lingerie modeling life, being a spokesmodel who no one knew had a dick, because it meant she never got her period…but more importantly..because men are just better at getting the job done… I was convinced that even with Tom Brady, they babies were prosthetics, his jock homosexuality hidden….but I guess she’s since hit puberty, or made the transition….or found the right hormone mix…or MAYBE she’s actually a woman….who just happened to have a hard face…who knows…but in her old model age…for Vogue Brazil…she kinda looks hot….and here are the pics… The post Gisele Bundchen for Vogue Brazil of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
The highlight of Toni Garrn’s career was when she was rumored to have had her asshole filled with Leonardo DiCaprio – but I am going to assume, based on her German roots, and Leonardo’s Homosexuality despite his attempts to cover it up, that the asshole that was filled was in fact Leonardo DiCaprio…it is called pegging and people dig it..and girls do it…especially if it promises great PR for your future modeling career… That said, I dont’ think she’s still with Leonardo DiCaprio as his beard, Victoria’s Secret, who he clearly has equity in, has probably funnelled a lot more girls to him, but that doesn’t mean that Toni Garrn doesn’t matter, she’s tall and actually looks like a model, which is nice to see in this instagram generation of short useless girls getting famous, when all I want to stare at is something a little more long and traditional… She’s in this TUSH magazine, showing some strategic nudity, unfortunately no nipples but who needs nipples when you can just google porno clips…or ask a girl on tinder to come over to sit on your face.. All this shit is obsolete, but she still looks good…my only issue with it is that to me a magazine called TUSH should be about spread assholes…or even just bare asses…I want more ass TUSH…stop your lies…they hurt me and are tearing our family apart… The post Toni Garrn for TUSH Magazine of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I hate catalog bikini and lingerie pics, no matter what model they use, I find them boring as fuck….regardless of whether I want to impregnate Sarah Stephens or not….catalog pics suck….but I get they pay the bills… What I don’t hate is that Agent Provocateur, I’ve been a fan for a long time, not because I wear lingerie, but because I like girls in Lingerie…and this is a lingerie company that represents what lingerie is supposed to be…it was created by the manager of the Sex Pistol’s son, that has unlike Victoria’s Secret, has put style into their lingerie, you know making it semi erotic like it was the 1900s and imported from france…now this may not mean anything to you, because you have no taste, but it means something to girls and gives them fem boners, because it’s erotic and not trashy…doesn’t matter… What does matter is that they don’t photoshop out nipples or pussy – and show off what the product actually looks like…something the Christian friendly evil corporation doesn’t do…and for that…we celebrate…Sarah Stephens, who was a VS Model in 2008, at 18, showing her nipples.
People are saying that Victoria’s Secret forgot to airbrush out Candice Swanepoel’s nipple from their recent catalog. I am going to say that these kinds of accidents don’t just happen, before any of this shit goes to print, 100 people sign off on it. I think that they are just slowly stepping up their game, but saying “hey why don’t we show what the lingerie actually looks like, instead of erasing body parts”…since this is the porn generation, nipples aren’t a big fucking deal, and these are models who are paid a lot of money to show their fucking nipples. They just can’t come out and do it over night, it will upset the Christians, test the waters, get some press, because people like Candice’s Nipple, especially one week before Christmas…in strategic, basic, but strategic use of nipples, probably a few years too late, since Nipples are hardly as shocking and the real impact would come spread ass with two black cocks shoved in her… Either way, here’s to brighter future for a shitty brand that uses amazing girls for their marketing… TO SEE THE WHOLE CATALOG CAMPAIGN THAT SUCKS CLICK HERE
Most of the time, those Madame Tussauds statutes just creep me out, but you know what, this new one they made of Miley Cyrus actually looks pretty damn close to the real thing. Or at least much closer than the one I made at home, which is just a picture of Miley’s face taped to a pillow. So good work, guys. Now, how much are you selling them for? And does it come with “real twerking action,” or should I hold out for the next model? Actually, you’re right, I guess it’s still a pretty big upgrade either way. I’ll take two. » view all 14 photos Photos: