Tag Archives: making-it-semi

Cara Delevingne Topless on a Balcony of the Day

Here’s a little old school Paparazzi raping the privacy of a model who is probably nude all the time and who has probably been topless for her work but I am too busy to look into her archive footage, because Cara Delevingne is overrated, retard faced looking, overpaid rich kid who just happens to have the right friends, making the media think that she matters, and I guess that means she does matter…because the media owns our minds.. Now even if she called the paparazzi and staged this for some sold school paparazzi privacy raping vibe…it still speaks to me on an emotional level of a time when the paparazzi matter. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Cara Delevingne Topless on a Balcony of the Day

Sarah Stephens in Agent Provocateur of the Day

I hate catalog bikini and lingerie pics, no matter what model they use, I find them boring as fuck….regardless of whether I want to impregnate Sarah Stephens or not….catalog pics suck….but I get they pay the bills… What I don’t hate is that Agent Provocateur, I’ve been a fan for a long time, not because I wear lingerie, but because I like girls in Lingerie…and this is a lingerie company that represents what lingerie is supposed to be…it was created by the manager of the Sex Pistol’s son, that has unlike Victoria’s Secret, has put style into their lingerie, you know making it semi erotic like it was the 1900s and imported from france…now this may not mean anything to you, because you have no taste, but it means something to girls and gives them fem boners, because it’s erotic and not trashy…doesn’t matter… What does matter is that they don’t photoshop out nipples or pussy – and show off what the product actually looks like…something the Christian friendly evil corporation doesn’t do…and for that…we celebrate…Sarah Stephens, who was a VS Model in 2008, at 18, showing her nipples.

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Sarah Stephens in Agent Provocateur of the Day

Michalka Sisters New Video of the Day

I think a 3:30 minute intro for a couple of slutty Disney sisters, who are known for their implants and not so much for for their music career. You know the jailbait dad’s masturbate to because their kids make them watch their garbage shows and they aren’t all that bad looking…and because their inevitable meltdown when they realize they were robbed of a childhood means good times to come… But it seems that AJ and Aly Michalka’s meltdown is making shitty music that is up on some hipster, Coachella, Americana vibe, when really it should be them in bikinis eating out each other’s asses out…because that’s what sisters we want to fuck are supposed to do..especially when they were once famous… I guess their career has consistently been about them doing what they want, rather than what the people want, because their music career has existed, as a sisterly duo, since 2004… Either way, I didn’t watch the shit, but for some reason I am posting it… If you’re more interested in seeing pics of them at an event yesterday FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Michalka Sisters New Video of the Day

Shanina Shaik for Next Lingerie of the Day

OMG – I fucking love lingerie catalog pics… I mean even in the 80s when all I had to jerk off to was lingerie catalog pics I hated the shit… Back then, they didn’t photoshop the shit, and bikini waxes were less intense and common, so you could see always little nipple discoloration and panty pillow, making it semi erotic…at least compared to the shitty porn you barely had access to and music videos you needed cable to jerk off to…and national geographic that was just far too tribal to really be all that erotic…but that still had some nipple that was good enough in your time of need..but you knew there had to be more out there you know that one day a hub like the internet would come along and allow you access to all your deepest fetishes…from throat fucking to fat chicks shitting on each other…making the Lingerie catalog pic almost obsolete…until one day, 20 years in, you realize, shit…I don’t like all that hardcore shit all that much anymore, it’s kinda vile and the girls are disgusting, I wanna go back to a simpler time…a time where half naked was all you had, when all you wanted hardcore…but now hardcore is all we have, and half naked is all I want, and readily available… Her name is Shanina Shaik and I am committed to her half nakedness..

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Shanina Shaik for Next Lingerie of the Day