Tag Archives: from-obsessed

The Beyonce for GQ Shoot of the Day

I posted some funny angled leaked Beyonce GQ cover yesterday…laughing at how bottom heavy the angle made her look…without realizing she’s in fact that bottom heavy…looking like some racist Caricature of black chicks in the slave era….because looking at these pics of her in her underwear looking jobbin’ as fucking hell…making you wonder why her billionaire ass feels like she needs to prove something getting half naked….remembering that these girls just love attention…even if humiliating themselves in the process…cuz they just have to look at their bank statement and read letters from obsessed fans to block out all the hate in their delusional bubble… Looking at these pics is a horrible experience..Gross!

Excerpt from:
The Beyonce for GQ Shoot of the Day

Selena Gomez Twitter, Facebook Hacked: Video Evidence!

To the countless young women out there who wish to date Justin Bieber , be warned: it isn’t all fun and bangs. Selena Gomez, who has already faced a number of death threats from obsessed fans, had her social networking accounts hacked into today. Some moron known as “Pkinj0r-aka-Prokill” went in and launched attacks on Bieber and his followers. To wit: The incident took place around 10:30 a.m. EST, as the hacker actually posted a YouTube video (below) that cataloged his use of Selena’s Facebook page. After a half hour, Gomez regained control of her Twitter and wrote: “Obviously, my Facebook has been hacked. My twitter has been fixed and everyone is working on Facbook [sic]. Love you guys!!!!!” Selena Gomez Facebook Hacker

Continued here:
Selena Gomez Twitter, Facebook Hacked: Video Evidence!