Tag Archives: from-the-couch

Sh*t show: India’s toilet museum

Today was one of the strangest shoot days I’ve had in quite some time: I toured the museum of toilets in Delhi. Yes, a place dedicated to the history and the evolution of toilets. Here’s a small sampling of some of the more interesting models: This is the throne-toilet. For the king who doesn’t want to leave the chamber to take a dump. This is the travel toilet. For the outdoorsy type who wants to enjoy a nice spread on a table, or a desk to write on, but who doesn’t like to squat. This model is a multi-purpose solution for those willing to lug it around. Have a hearty lunch, then flip open the tabletop to let it back out. And finally, the comfort toilet. For those who like the comfort of fine leather, and the convenience of a built-in crapper. The toilet docent added that this is favored by the “fat and lazy,” who might not want to get up from the couch while watching TV or playing a game of cards. Follow me on Twitter for more defecation. added by: Adam_Yamaguchi