I have no clue what any of this says, but luckily, I don’t think anybody’s reading FHM Turkey for the articles even if they can understand the language. Not as long as they’ve got spreads as hot as this one Aussie model Lauren Dally did for their April issue. But still, can somebody translate and see if she mentions how much she wants to hook up with a blogger? Because aside from the killer lingerie pictures, that’s really the only other part I’m interested in.
This senseless and unnecessary violence has got to stop! A popular high school hoopster was killed by a gunshot to the head behind a Brooklyn drugstore as he and two laughing buddies headed home Friday afternoon, police said. Crime-scene tape surrounded the alley behind a Rite Aid at Flatlands Ave. and E. 79th St., where Shaquille Jones — still wearing his red jacket and black backpack — was found lying face down. The slain 17-year-old’s two friends were wounded when the gunfire erupted just four blocks from South Shore High School’s Theater Arts School. Jones, a junior basketball player at the school, was “a good kid,” said fellow student Jason Johnson, 17. “This is a tragedy. This is not the type of kid to get shot.” Police were stumped about a motive in the 3:15 p.m. shooting, which happened shortly after school was dismissed for the weekend. Cops were hunting for a suspect who escaped after opening fire on the trio. The slaying apparently followed an incident at a nearby bus stop, with the first explosion from the killer’s weapon scattering frightened students. It was unclear how many shots were fired. Shawn Brown, 18, saw the happy trio laughing and chatting outside the Canarsie high school shortly before they crossed paths with the killer. The slain youth’s friends were both taken to Brookdale University Hospital with minor gunshot wounds: One with a bullet to the leg, the other with a graze wound. Both were expected to survive. Source