This week, it’s Sin City: A Dame to Kill For to the rescue to save us from the non-nude doldrums! Along with a handful of classic films that have been remastered, it’s definitely a week to spill for! Hit the jump for more pics and info…
After a week of teeth-gnashing from box office Cassandras , it appears Super 8 will open to pretty much what should have been expected from the non-franchise film. The J.J. Abrams-directed throwback earned $12 million on Friday night (plus another $1 million from Thursday’s sneak previews) and could get to $35 million for the weekend. Elsewhere on the charts, X-Men: First Class suffered a big Friday to Friday drop (65 percent), but is closing in on $100 million, while The Hangover Part II and Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides each cracked $200 million. Click ahead for your Friday box office.
The Fashionsto har bilder fra magasinet Muse’s ‘editorial’ av Dash Snow , myteomspunnet samtidskunstner, taggehue og urokråke, i hans New York-studio. Sjekk alle her. Published at 15:00, May 25, 2009 …