Tag Archives: from-the-panel

Royal Baby Watch: Kate Middleton Reportedly "2-3 Days Late"

As Royal Baby Watch 2013 drags on into yet another week, palace insiders say that Kate Middleton’s due date may have passed 2-3 days ago. Kensington Palace has been “operating under the assumption that the Duchess of Cambridge is two to three days late at this point,” reports say. The revelation comes amid conflicting reports surrounding Kate’s due date, and whether she is indeed late (perhaps by a week or even longer). Initial reports claimed that the royal baby was expected to arrive on July 11 or 13, a time frame that – as we know – came and went with no fanfare. But the U.K.’s The Telegraph says Kate Middleton was really due Friday, July 19, and that they were asked to be on standby as early as a month before. And being on standby means staying in top shape. A source purportedly revealed to The Telegraph: “A small number of staff at St. Mary’s who might be called upon when the duchess gives birth were told they had to remain teetotal for a month before.” “They were told the due date was July 19, meaning they couldn’t drink from June 19 on.” “Only a handful of people were told about it, because there are very few hospital staff who might be needed in the case of an emergency.” This is, of course, assuming that Kate even gives birth to the baby at that location. She is expected to welcome the future monarch at the Lindo Wing of St. Mary’s Hospital in London, but a contingency plan is supposedly in place. Kate has been hunkering down with her parents in Bucklebury, 53 miles away from St. Mary’s Hospital (though she reportedly returned to London ). Should she go into labor at her parents’ house, she is likely to give birth in Reading, a mere half hour away from London (and its prying eyes). Meanwhile, Kate’s mom Carole was reportedly overheard saying that the baby will be a Leo, meaning it isn’t even due until July 22 at the earliest. Bottom line … we really have no idea, but that little guy or girl has to come out sooner or later, right? Even Queen Elizabeth is getting impatient .

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Royal Baby Watch: Kate Middleton Reportedly "2-3 Days Late"

Catching Fire Comic-Con Panel: Jennifer Lawrence Will Slobber All Over You

If there’s one thing we learned from The Hunger Games stars at this weekend’s Comic-Con panel, it’s that the new Catching Fire trailer looks dope! It’s there’s a second thing, it’s that Jennifer Lawrence is a glamorous individual. Or not. J-Law and co-star Josh Hutcherson relayed a story to the enormous crowd in San Diego that offered quite a contrast to the officially sanctioned new footage. “Oh my god, we should’ve brought that clip with the snot,” she exclaimed when asked a question about how hot the kissing scenes in the new film are. “In the resuscitation there was a kiss and there was slobber, and the slobber sort of got connected to my face,” Hutcherson explained. “It will be very hot.” Sounds it! “I’ll put it on YouTube or something,” Lawrence said. “You gotta see it. There’s all this snot coming out of my nose, and when I go to kiss Josh, it connects with his mouth.” Lovely. Catching Fire Trailer (Comic-Con 2013) Other highlights from the panel, which also featured Liam Hemsworth , Lenny Kravitz, Willow Shields, Jena Malone, Jeffrey Wright, and Frances Lawrence: Sam Claflin is a sex god. Who couldn’t be there. But “He is a sex god!” said Hutcherson of the actor, who some fans worried isn’t hot enough to play Finnick . Liam Hemsworth is into pain, and we’re not just talking about watching Miley Cyrus Twerking . He takes a whipping in front of all of District 12. Lawrence is trained in archery and parkour to help embody Katniss Everdeen, but “the hardest stunt is probably still just basic running,” she joked. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire premieres November 22.

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Catching Fire Comic-Con Panel: Jennifer Lawrence Will Slobber All Over You

Charlie Askew Butchers American Idol Auditon, Breaks Down on Stage

Poor Charlie Askew. The American Idol hopeful auditioned live for the first time tonight, choosing the track “Mama” by Genesis. Which is about a prostitute. But things got even weirder from there: Askew donned a ponytail. And a grungy shirt. And screeched throughout the performance, drawing outright laughter from the judges. Charlie Askew – “Mama” “What happened?” Nicki Minaj asked. “I don’t want to see your arms. I don’t want you working out. I don’t want to see that ponytail. I don’t want to see that earring. Lose the mustache immediately. I feel like someone stole my kid. I want my cute, cuddly Charlie back!” After hearing harsh critiques from the panel, Askew broke down alongside Ryan Seacrest. “All I can say is, I needed to vent a little bit,” Charlie said when asked about the audition. “A lot of people think I’m a very happy boy, and the only reason I smile so much is because I feel like I have to.” Wow. Sad, profound stuff. Seacrest handled the situation like a pro, telling Askew: “You’ve got some friends here. We appreciate your courage and your honesty, and there’s nothing easy about having those feelings inside and standing up here and having to do that tonight.” And now the vote is in your hands, America: Will Askew advance to the Top 10? Or will this be the end of the road for a seemingly troubled young man? We’ll find out tomorrow night.

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Charlie Askew Butchers American Idol Auditon, Breaks Down on Stage

Marcus Canty Sings a Song for X Factor Viewers

Did Marcus Canty do enough last night to avoid another placement in the bottom two on this evening’s X Factor results show? The singer/dancer gave viewers twice the Marcus during an episode that featured a dance hit and a choice by each of the contestants. First up, Canty covered “Ain’t Nobody.” From there, it was on to “A Song For You” and mixed reaction from the panel. Paula Abdul referred to Canty as a “storyteller,” while Nicole Scherzinger said the second rendition reminded her of why she fell in love with him. Simon Cowell, however? “It was good, I’m not jumping out of my chair. It was a bit boring,” he said. Marcus Canty – Ain’t Nobody Marcus Canty – A Song For You

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Marcus Canty Sings a Song for X Factor Viewers

‘X Factor’ MC Astro Calls Drake’s Take Care ‘A Classic’

‘I feel like I’m trying to be a part of that group that brings hip-hop back,’ pint-size rapper tells MTV News backstage. By Gil Kaufman, with reporting by Jim Cantiello Astro Photo: MTV News While many of his fellow contestants were getting dinged for not going hard enough on Wednesday night’s rock-themed episode of “X Factor,” that was not a problem for pint-size sensation Astro. The swagtastic 15-year-old rapper with the heart of a champion put up another great performance with a cover of Diddy’s “I’ll Be Missing You.” And though he’s lamented that hip-hop is dead and he’s the one to bring it back, Astro did make an exception for one artist he thinks is killing it right now. “You can’t not say Jay-Z,” he told MTV News’ Jim Cantiello after the show when asked to name anyone besides the Jiggaman who is on top of their game right now. “That has to be included. Jay, Kanye, Lupe [Fiasco], Pharrell … Drake? That album is classic,” he added about the Canadian MC’s just-released Take Care. “Everything from the artwork, the inside pictures. Drake is awesome, and I feel like I’m trying to be a part of that group that brings hip-hop back also.” Astro — whose song fit the rock theme if only because Diddy sampled the Police classic “Every Breath You Take” — paid homage to a number of fallen hip-hop greats during his performance. Surrounded by huge video screens scrolling the names of late rap icons including Tupac, Heavy D , Left Eye and Jam Master Jay, judge L.A. Reid’s prot