Tag Archives: from-the-root

Wait…Huh? Weather Woman Claims Haiti Is Severely Deforested Because Hungry Children Eat The Trees [Video]

Weather Woman Claims Haitian Children Eat Trees To Survive The Weather Channel’s Jen Delgado was getting deep into detail about Hurricane Matthew and the wreckage it could potentially lay to several Caribbean islands…then she started to “explain” the difference in The Dominican Republic’s lush green landscape versus the dusty terrain of Haiti. But one of the reasons she claimed the deforestation occurred…is hungry little Black children who chomp on trees. Ma’am…what?? “That’s because this whole area has been essentially deforested. They take all the trees down, the burn the trees. Even the kids there, they’re so hungry, they actually eat the trees.” We don’t know who told her that…but we’re 99.9998% sure that hungry Haitians aren’t taking to the woods and attacking trees from the root up. SMH. Where did she come up with that?? The Weather Channel/Raw Story/YouTube

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Wait…Huh? Weather Woman Claims Haiti Is Severely Deforested Because Hungry Children Eat The Trees [Video]