Tag Archives: future-hookups

Hell Hath No Fury: College Girl Posts 5,000 Letters Putting Michigan Ball Player On Blast For Giving Her An STI…Twice

Jabrill Peppers Accused Of Spreading Chlamydia What do you do when your football player boyfriend cheats on you with countless side-chicks? Make your best attempt at ruining his reputation and dashing his chances at hooking up with anyone else, apparently. An unidentified student at University of Michigan was so angry with her ex-boyfriend, Wolverines safety Jabrill Peppers, that she took the time to litter the campus with 5,000 printed letters revealing that the player has been engaging in unprotected sex with numerous women and possibly infecting them with Chlamydia. The reason she knows? He had allegedly given it to her not once, but twice in the last year. WELP. Someone is angry. Of course, with hundreds of printouts of the letter floating all over campus, the rumor has spread like wildfire across school grounds and of course onto Twitter. Jabrill’s only response is that he’s staying “prayed up” against the “slander.” He might want to look into staying strapped up while he’s at it. Although with the rumor swirling that you can hear a round of applause when he pulls out his peen…we’re guessing (hoping at least) that his future hookups will push for protection. Twitter

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Hell Hath No Fury: College Girl Posts 5,000 Letters Putting Michigan Ball Player On Blast For Giving Her An STI…Twice