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Miley Cyrus: Topless, Toothless, Covered in Fried Chicken on Instagram

Miley Cyrus has a weird thing about getting naked and Photoshopping random crap onto her boobs. First Miley sunbathed topless with aliens on her nipples, now she’s presented us with what might be the least arousing nude pic in the history of photography: Yup, that’s something you can’t unsee.  If the fake hillbilly teeth weren’t enough to turn you off, there’s also the cartoon fried chicken to conjure the feeling of greasy skin and the smell of the Colonel’s secret recipe. Miley’s Instagram  has always been a weird place, but the singer/uber-stoned performance artist has really A-game on terms of bizarre topless selfies lately. Take the daisy and disco titties pics from last week. Is she trying to confuse penises all over the world? Because if so, she’s doing a bang-up job. Normally we’re in favor of all types of nudity, but lately, Miley’s has felt like something from a Ren & Stimpy cartoon that never made it to air because it was more terrifying than funny. Reportedly, Miley’s dating Patrick Schwarzenegger now, so maybe she’ll cool it with the weird nakedness now that she’s connected to a high-powered political family. Then again, no one’s more allergic to shirts that Arnold. Miley Cyrus Instagram Photos 1. Miley Cyrus Quacks Up Miley is all quacked up in this photo, snapped while she was hospitalized for an allergic reaction.

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Miley Cyrus: Topless, Toothless, Covered in Fried Chicken on Instagram