Tag Archives: games-allowing

Fidel Castro: "The Cuban Model No Longer Works"

http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2010/09/fidel-cuban-model-doesn… In an interview with journalist Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic, Fidel Castro admitted that “the Cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore.” Could this finally legitimize the actions of the opposition that has been trying for many years to bring change to Cuba? What does this mean for the future of Cuba, that the leader of the Revolution itself believes that the economic model no longer works? And also, what does this mean for Hugo Chavez in Venezuela who has time and time again held up Cuba as a model for Venezuela? _______________________________________________________________________ Personally, I am glad that what Cubans in exile have been saying for 50 years has finally been admitted by Fidel Castro. I have only one word for this: Vindication. added by: UrbanGypsy

Does Medal of Honor Deserve to be Banned by the U.S. Military?

So the U.S. military has officially banned sales of the newest Medal of Honor game on military bases globally. Even Britain’s Defense Secretary requested that UK game retailers ban the game. Why, you may ask? Well, the game allows players to take on the role of the Taliban, but only during multiplayer. It’s not like the “No Russian” level from Modern Warfare 2, where you’re gunning down civilians in an airport. I would definitely understand if you play as the Taliban in single player and are killing U.S. and Coalition forces, but in this case, you’re not. I ask this: “What is the real reason why people are angered over having the Taliban as a playable option?” As history shows, there have been many games allowing players to take on the roles of some not so popular factions. I believe a major cause of the controversy is from it being time-sensitive related. What I mean by that is that there hasn’t been time for the dust to settle on the constant war against the Taliban. With that said, is it more acceptable to play as a German in a World War II game than as a Taliban in a modern combat game because the war is still ongoing? http://nerdreactor.com/2010/09/07/does-medal-of-honor-deserve-to-be-banned-by-th… added by: NerdReactorTV