Tag Archives: garbage-called

Rosie Jones Topless for Nuts Outtakes of the Day

Glamour Model, a job title these girls gave themselves because it sounded better on a mortgage application and car lease and bank loan form than “I show my tits for money in magazines”….Rosie Jones…is in NUTS UK again…because they own her….or at least a percentage of her…cuz you know they aren’t makinbg a celebrity out of her tits for free…but what does that really matter….what matters is that they dig through the piles of attention seeking, daddy issue, busty girls and find the gold…cuz let’s face it…this Rosie Jones character…is gold…or at least in terms of girls who show her tits for money in magazines…..cuz I’m sure there are many hotter girls with a stronger moral foundation….who you may not want to jerk off to her tits in magazines….but you may want to impregnate and bring to your overbearing mother….or many hotter girls that cater more to my needs and live in a ditch and suck dick for 5 dollars…this one’s just too damn fancy. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS follow this link

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Rosie Jones Topless for Nuts Outtakes of the Day

Sarah Fisher Modeling Bikinis for Miss Jackson Swimwear of the Day

I’ve never heard of Sarah Fisher and either have you – but it turns out she’s an aspiring singer who was on some Canadian garbage called Degrassi, that you shouldn’t watch no matter how perverted you are…according to her bio she’s sang at retirement homes and funerals…which I read as “She will fuck you if you do a post on her”….so I am doing a post on her…. Turns out that she’s also a model….WHAT CAN’T SHE DO…..and these are some outtakes of her doing some bikini modeling for some no name bikini line…that thanks to my hard work may get her work with real brands…. That’s just the power of the stepfather.

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Sarah Fisher Modeling Bikinis for Miss Jackson Swimwear of the Day