Tag Archives: hazel donegan

Sarah Fisher Modeling Bikinis for Miss Jackson Swimwear of the Day

I’ve never heard of Sarah Fisher and either have you – but it turns out she’s an aspiring singer who was on some Canadian garbage called Degrassi, that you shouldn’t watch no matter how perverted you are…according to her bio she’s sang at retirement homes and funerals…which I read as “She will fuck you if you do a post on her”….so I am doing a post on her…. Turns out that she’s also a model….WHAT CAN’T SHE DO…..and these are some outtakes of her doing some bikini modeling for some no name bikini line…that thanks to my hard work may get her work with real brands…. That’s just the power of the stepfather.

Here is the original post:
Sarah Fisher Modeling Bikinis for Miss Jackson Swimwear of the Day

Kelly O’Sullivan & Hazel Donegan for Zoo of the Day

In a future not so far away…every girl with a vagina and some tits…will be a Glamour model…because it seems to be the strategy of many girls with vagina and tits….who look like they probably dropped out of high school or college to become a stripper or cocktail waitress…because Glamour Modeling puts them on the international forum…I mean look at these two no names today….thanks to Zoo they are on internationally reknowned…world dominating….internet dance party Drunkenstepfather.com….LUCKY LUCKY….looks like their life of being some haggard wal mart clerk who was once a babe and now a mom of 4 half black kids….is a destiny that was…making moves and changing the course of their otherwise depressing lives..> GOOOD JOB GIRLS…and by girls I mean….tits..

Continued here:
Kelly O’Sullivan & Hazel Donegan for Zoo of the Day