Tag Archives: geekosystem

The Philosoraptor Song is Deeply Profound


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(Video Link) I had never thought of it before, but yes: if tomatoes are vegetables, then ketchup is a smoothie. Thank you, Philosoraptor, for expanding my mind. Here’s a video from Bucky Studios that collects his wisdom and presents it as a soft pop song. -via Geekosystem Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Neatorama Discovery Date : 30/12/2011 08:48 Number of articles : 2

The Philosoraptor Song is Deeply Profound

Juggling & Solving Rubik’s Cubes at the Same Time


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The talented David Calvo can juggle two Rubik’s Cubes, while solving a third one. via reddit & Geekosystem Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Laughing Squid Discovery Date : 24/10/2011 13:09 Number of articles : 2

Juggling & Solving Rubik’s Cubes at the Same Time

Dog with Four Prosthetic Legs


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(Video Link) Naki’o lost the lower parts of his four legs as a puppy, but Martin Kaufman of OrthoPets designed and attached four prosthetic legs for him that mimic the natural movements of dogs. Now he can get run around like a normal dog! Link -via Geekosystem | OrthoPets Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Neatorama Discovery Date : 22/06/2011 01:09 Number of articles : 2

Dog with Four Prosthetic Legs

Man Decides to Take Two Bumper Cars for a Drive


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(Video Link) For unambitious people like you and me, it might be enough to drive one bumper car down the streets of a city. But not for this fellow. No, he insisted on driving two bumper cars at the same time. That’s a resume builder if I ever saw one. via Geekosystem Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Neatorama Discovery Date : 14/04/2011 20:22 Number of articles : 2

Man Decides to Take Two Bumper Cars for a Drive