Tag Archives: generally-half

Doutzen Kroes Riding a Horse Head of the Day

Doutzen Kroes is Riding some statues, and she’s fully clothed in some fashion bullshit for Vogue or some other obscure market fashion imprint…and I am posting it because she’s a lingerie model, and we like lingerie models, even when they represent and evil corporation that exploits Bangladeshi workers to make good margins on over-priced, well marketed, low quality, underwear for middle America…that I guess isn’t even really lingerie or lingerie modelling, but is generally half naked…but more importantly…I am posting this because a woman pressed up against plaster must be a fetish somewhere… I like to take high concept, beautifully shot things, and take a huge shit on them…and make them bad..It’s my thing.

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Doutzen Kroes Riding a Horse Head of the Day