Tag Archives: genuine-love

Is J. Cole The Realest Rapper Alive?

J. Cole’s Realest Moments Friendly neighborhood Rap star J. Cole continues to carve out his very own niche as everyone’s favorite good guy in Hip-Hop whose infectious humility and genuine love for fans have propelled him into mainstream stardom. Hit the flip for all the reasons why J. Cole is the realest (and coolest) rapper alive.

Is J. Cole The Realest Rapper Alive?

More Than Just Music: Dynamic Duets That Also Dated

Some of our favorite duets have come from celebrities who were actual couples or…had a “connection,” if you get our drift. Some of the songs came from places of genuine love while others came from some good ol’ “gangsta, boo lovin’.” Some of the couples lasted, some didn’t. Either way, they’ve made some beautiful music together (well, it at least had you in your groove). Click Here To Read The Rest At MadameNoire.com

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More Than Just Music: Dynamic Duets That Also Dated