Tag Archives: george sanders

Movieline Investigates: Is There a Template for the Perfect Oscar Speech?

We’ve got the 2011 Oscars pinpointed like a Foursquare convention, but it’s time to address the less predictable element of the big night: The speeches! The Academy Awards are flush with wonderful moments ( Louise Fletcher , you goddess!), but recent Oscar winners — save Sandra Bullock — could use a few tips on speechifying. Come along as we name three podium mistakes and identify the best single speech for future winners to learn by heart.

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Movieline Investigates: Is There a Template for the Perfect Oscar Speech?

DVD: Age Cannot Wither, Nor Custom Stale, All About Eve

Some movies are deadly accurate about capturing the way people really talk while others have an ear for how we wish everyone spoke all the time. And you can definitely sign me up for a world where the quips fly as fast, and the bitchery is as crisp, as in All About Eve (Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment). Sixty years after this Broadway-backstage comedy-drama snagged a Best Picture Oscar, it remains a sterling example of American movies at their smartest and most entertaining.

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DVD: Age Cannot Wither, Nor Custom Stale, All About Eve