Tag Archives: gets-the-wrong

Hayden Panettere’s Pregnant in a Bikini of the Day

Hayden Panettiere is pregnant in a bikini. Call me old school but I am a firm believer that if you’re pregnant – you should not be in a bikini, but rather hiding out so that no one gets the wrong idea about you. More importantly so that we can try to forget you were ever pregnant – instead of having it burnt into our minds…with whatever the fuck this weirdness is…. All this to say, I don’t really like Hayden pregnant or not pregnant – and I don’t really like pregnant girls in general, especially not half naked, maybe my biological clock has ticked…and the idea of knocking a girl up disgusts me…even when I’m not the one who knocked them up… The world is doomed, it’s so easy to not make babies…and still be cummed inside…Get it together Hayden… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Hayden Panettere’s Pregnant in a Bikini of the Day