Tag Archives: getting-hard

Hailee Steinfeld Is Sweet For Cosmo

It’s been a while since I’ve done a post on  Hailee Steinfeld , mostly because there’s no shortage of moderately-talented cute wannabe celebs out there and honestly, it’s getting hard to tell them apart. But I guess somebody’s invested a lot of money into making Hailee “happen” because now here she is showing off her cute little cleavage on the cover of Cosmopolitan . And OK, I’ll support it. At least she’s hotter more “talented” than Bella Hadid .

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Hailee Steinfeld Is Sweet For Cosmo

Hailee Steinfeld Is Sweet For Cosmo

It’s been a while since I’ve done a post on  Hailee Steinfeld , mostly because there’s no shortage of moderately-talented cute wannabe celebs out there and honestly, it’s getting hard to tell them apart. But I guess somebody’s invested a lot of money into making Hailee “happen” because now here she is showing off her cute little cleavage on the cover of Cosmopolitan . And OK, I’ll support it. At least she’s hotter more “talented” than Bella Hadid .

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Hailee Steinfeld Is Sweet For Cosmo