Tag Archives: getting-pizza

Lady Gaga’s Piano Erotica of the DAy

What does the world need less of? Not carbon footprint, waste, global warming, use of oil….racism, confederate flags, tansfats and corn syrup leading to obesity….STDs… Not big business controlling our consumption, conspiracy theories, or the government controlling us by keeping us broke, sick and tired…we don’t need less feminsts, trans olympians…or Kardashians and tabloid fodder as a whole… The world is a horrible meaningless place filled with shit, shitty people, and a horrible infrastructure….but all that’s fine… As far as I’m concerned, what the world needs less of is Lady Gaga Spread eagled on social media…that is what the world needs less of, so I’ll just draw more attention to it… Here’s her tit getting pizza the other day..no one cares… The post Lady Gaga’s Piano Erotica of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See original here:
Lady Gaga’s Piano Erotica of the DAy