Tag Archives: the-government

Tekashi 6ix9ine Reportedly Hires Security For Family After Pleading Guilty & Working With The Feds

Source: @JustInMyView / R1 Digital Tekashi 6ix9ine Reportedly Ups His Family Security After Cutting A Federal Deal According to TMZ , Tekashi69 is dropping a BAG to keep his family safe after he entered a guilty plea and is willingly cooperating with the feds. Since his arrest in November, he’s reportedly been spending thousands on personal security for his mother in the event that someone is looking o retaliate against him for turning into an informant.  If you can recall, 6ix9ine pled guilty to 8 counts in addition to implicating members of the Nine Trey Bloods in multiple crimes. Tekashi was reportedly responsible for naming the alleged trigger man in the attempted shooting of Chief Keef (leading to an indictment). Tekashi’s attorney, Dawn Florio, tells TMZ; “6ix9ine has the means to pay for his family’s private security, so the government expects the money to come out of his pocket to protect his closest family members.” She says the government would step in if, at some point, Tekashi can’t afford the security. 6ix9ine is set to be sentenced next January, and his deal with prosecutors requires him to continue working with the feds.

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Tekashi 6ix9ine Reportedly Hires Security For Family After Pleading Guilty & Working With The Feds

Who Let The Dog Out: DMX Reportedly Released From Federal Prison After Serving One Year For Tax Evasion

Source: Icon Sportswire / Getty DMX Finally Released After Serving Year-Long Sentence For Tax Evasion According to TMZ , DMX is once again a free man. The legendary rapper was reportedly released from Gilmer Federal Correctional Institution in West Virginia after serving a one-year sentence for tax evasion. With his prison sentence behind him Earl Simmons, 48,  must now start forking over $2.3 million in restitution to the government as well as start outpatient programs for substance abuse and mental health treatment. But some good news, X is reportedly planning on dropping a new album and possibly has a few new movie projects and a biopic on his schedule.  

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Who Let The Dog Out: DMX Reportedly Released From Federal Prison After Serving One Year For Tax Evasion

53% Of White Women’s POTUS To Speak From Rose Garden, Possibly Ending #TrumpShutdown [Live Video]

Source: The Washington Post / Getty Trump Addresses His Government Shutdown Donald Trump is about to speak in the rose garden at the White House and many on cable news believe he will announce a deal to at last re-open the government and get people paid. The event will be open to questions from the press so we have no doubt that there will be questions about the arrest of POTUS’ pal Roger Stone. None of that is confirmed but you watch the live stream below to see Trump’s remarks as they take place… Continue reading

53% Of White Women’s POTUS To Speak From Rose Garden, Possibly Ending #TrumpShutdown [Live Video]

Source: The Washington Post / Getty Trump Addresses His Government Shutdown Donald Trump is about to speak in the rose garden at the White House and many on cable news believe he will announce a deal to at last re-open the government and get people paid. The event will be open to questions from the press so we have no doubt that there will be questions about the arrest of POTUS’ pal Roger Stone. None of that is confirmed but you watch the live stream below to see Trump’s remarks as they take place… Continue reading

#Kamala2020 Kamala Harris Announces She’s Running For President

Source: Harry E. Walker/MCT via Getty Images / Getty #Blackgirlmagic… Kamala Harris Running For President As widely speculated, Kamala Harris has announced her 2020 Presidential bid. Harris made the announcement on today’s Martin Luther King Jr. holiday while on Good Morning America. “I love my country. I love my country,” she said. “This is a moment in time that I feel a sense of responsibility to stand up and fight for the best of who we are.” She also noted the importance of announcing on the King holiday. “The thing about Dr. King that always inspires me is that he was aspirational. He was aspirational like our country is aspirational. We know that we’ve not yet reached those ideals. But our strength is that we fight to reach those ideals,” the senator said. “So today, the day we celebrate Dr. King, is a very special day for all of us as Americans and I’m honored to be able to make my announcement on the day we commemorate him.” EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Kamala Harris announces on @GMA she will be running for president in 2020: “I'm very excited about it.” https://t.co/n8hihJDfpn pic.twitter.com/2yft8DzPDT — ABC News (@ABC) January 21, 2019 If she gets the Democratic nomination and beats Trump in 2020, Kamala will become the first woman and the first black woman President. Other candidates who’ve announced that they’re running are Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro. Source: Lorenzo Bevilaqua / Getty   Are you ready for Kamala to be the next POTUS?

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#Kamala2020 Kamala Harris Announces She’s Running For President

#MLKDay These Museums Are Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy Despite The Government Shutdown

Source: Stephen F. Somerstein/Getty Images / Getty Museums Open On MLK Day Despite the government being in shambles (thanks a lot Cheeto!) and museums like the National Museum of African-American History & Culture being closed due to the government shutdown, if you’d like to buff up your history on today’s King Holiday you’re in luck. Several museums are open for today’s 2019 King holiday and several are offering free admission to furloughed federal employees. Culture Type  has compiled a list from the Association of Art Museum Directors of museums open today across the country. Hit the flip to see how you can commemorate Dr. King’s legacy.

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#MLKDay These Museums Are Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy Despite The Government Shutdown

Leah’s Lemonade: Cardi B’s Government Social Media Rant Gets The Attention of Two Senators

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As the government shut down looms on day 27 of the shutdown, federal workers have been ordered to return to work without pay. While federal works struggle to pay their bills, and other expenses. The government shut down has no visible end in site. This entire government shutdown is due to Trump not approving a government budget with a 5 billion dollar budget to build a wall in Mexico to stop illegal immigrants coming into the United States. Well the public’s favorite rapper, Cardi B has an opinion about this government shutdown and who it’s effecting. Here’s her 10 cents: Well Cardi’s rants didn’t fall on deaf ears. Two senators, Brian Schatz from Hawaii and Chris Murphy from Connecticut were feeling Cardi’s rant. Here’s their twitter conversation. Omg, I had the same argument with myself 30 minutes ago! — Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) January 17, 2019 If congress is getting to the point where Cardi B is advocating enough to get their attention, the outcome. If you want to hear more about this story, plus what Mariah Carey’s former assistant is saying she endured while working for the legend, go listen to Leah’s Lemonade above.

Leah’s Lemonade: Cardi B’s Government Social Media Rant Gets The Attention of Two Senators

Belcalis’ Bolitics: Cardi B. Blasts Donald Trump And His Raggedy Government Shutdown [Video]

Source: Gladys Vega/Getty Images / Getty After popping cakes in little more than tiger body paint earlier this afternoon, Cardi B had some serious thoughts about the current political climate to get off her chest this evening. Honestly…we aren’t sure why CNN or MSNBC hasn’t popped her into a square as a talking head to help break down what’s going on in watching for her audience. Check out Cardi’s musings on the government shutdown and Trump’s general…Trumpness. Cardi definitely has her own unique brand of delivery, but we detect no lies. Gladys Vega/Getty Images

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Belcalis’ Bolitics: Cardi B. Blasts Donald Trump And His Raggedy Government Shutdown [Video]

Dear Millennials: You’re Not Lazy, You’re Burnt Out

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Dear Millennials: You’re Not Lazy, You’re Burnt Out

Rent’s Due! Federal Workers Sadly Resort To Crowdfunding Sites Amidst Government Shutdown

Source: J.R. Davis / Radio One D.C. People’s Heartbreaking Pleas Are Shared On GoFundMe While some ( but not all ) elected officials continue to feel safe and secure with their regular paycheck, other government workers are out here struggling because of the shutdown . So much so that they have to resort to crowdfunding sites like GoFundMe. According to Newsweek, a GoFundMe spokesperson said that around 1,000 furloughed federal workers have started a crowdfunding account to help cover their living expenses. This makes sense considering the fact that one quarter of all U.S. government departments have been affected by the government shutdown. Some 800,000 federal employees have been furloughed or have been working without pay. A GoFundMe spokesperson, Katherine Cichy, told Reuters on Wednesday that GoFundMe has a dedicated staff who is managing and reviewing the fundraising pages related to the government shutdown. So far the crowdsourcing attempts have exceeded $100,000 since the shutdown started. Alphonzo Breland, a 41-year-old Internal Revenue Service worker from California, told Reuters that he tried to get a night job at a warehouse before trying out GoFundMe on Tuesday. “My heart is always fluttering, my head is racing,” Breland said. “My mortgage is due now, I have until the 15th and then I get a late fee. I had to cancel the tuition deduction for my daughter’s school.” Julie Burr, who described herself as a single mom and contracted government worker in Missouri, wrote on her GoFundMe page , “I’m losing pay every day that this government shutdown continues.  I’ve taken on extra shifts at my 2nd job but it isn’t going to pay rent and all my bills. Being a single mom, I’m in panic mode right now. If you’d like to help, any donations are appreciated.” Two sons, Robert and Tristan from Seattle, have even started a GoFundMe page for their mom, who “has not received her paycheck” due to the government shutdown. “My mom is a single mom of 2 boys trying to make ends meet,” they wrote. “My mom does not get help from the state, she works really hard to provide for me and my brother… [We] are reaching out to the world to see if we can raise enough money so that she doesn’t have to worry anymore.“ With stories like this, elected officials and, of course, Trump are really showing their a$$ on how much they care about the American people.  

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Rent’s Due! Federal Workers Sadly Resort To Crowdfunding Sites Amidst Government Shutdown