Tag Archives: prayers-come

Leah’s Lemonade: Cardi B’s Government Social Media Rant Gets The Attention of Two Senators

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As the government shut down looms on day 27 of the shutdown, federal workers have been ordered to return to work without pay. While federal works struggle to pay their bills, and other expenses. The government shut down has no visible end in site. This entire government shutdown is due to Trump not approving a government budget with a 5 billion dollar budget to build a wall in Mexico to stop illegal immigrants coming into the United States. Well the public’s favorite rapper, Cardi B has an opinion about this government shutdown and who it’s effecting. Here’s her 10 cents: Well Cardi’s rants didn’t fall on deaf ears. Two senators, Brian Schatz from Hawaii and Chris Murphy from Connecticut were feeling Cardi’s rant. Here’s their twitter conversation. Omg, I had the same argument with myself 30 minutes ago! — Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) January 17, 2019 If congress is getting to the point where Cardi B is advocating enough to get their attention, the outcome. If you want to hear more about this story, plus what Mariah Carey’s former assistant is saying she endured while working for the legend, go listen to Leah’s Lemonade above.

Leah’s Lemonade: Cardi B’s Government Social Media Rant Gets The Attention of Two Senators

Vitamin of The Day: In Order To Receive A Blessing You Must Give Thanks

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In cased you missed The vitamin of the day, on the Quick Silva Show…The Vitamin was “In order to receive a blessing you must give thanks.” Quick urges that when you say your prayers come from a place of gratitude. Instead of asking about what you need, say thank you. If you want to hear the whole vitamin, water the video above.  

Vitamin of The Day: In Order To Receive A Blessing You Must Give Thanks