Tag Archives: giants-or-pats

D’Oh: New York Giants Website Prematurely States They Have Won Super Bowl XLVI

Mistake?? As Super Bowl XLVI draws ever nearer, one New York Giants’ Super Bowl celebration was just a bit premature. The Giants were already the victors as early as Saturday afternoon – at least according to the team’s website, which mistakenly put up a message proclaiming: ‘The Giants are Super Bowl champions!’ But in Indianapolis, the tension is building for the athletes who bear the hopes of the nation on their shoulders. Who do you think will take home the big ring this year??? Giants or Pats?? Source More On Bossip! Ladies, Can We Watch?: RihRih Asks Ochocinco’s Permission To Get In Evelyn Lozada’s Panties Lady Lovin’: The 10 Most “Lesbihonest” Cities in America (Part 2) Wait, There’s More! A History Of Slore-y “Journalists” That Showed Off Their Cakes At Super Bowl Media Day For The Ladies: The Best Super Bowl Bangin’ Baller BAWWWWDIES!!! [Photos]

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D’Oh: New York Giants Website Prematurely States They Have Won Super Bowl XLVI