Tag Archives: girl-on-couch

Kelsey is the Hipster for Purple Magazine of the Day

I don’t know whether it is my low testosterone, or the fact that everyone is doing it, but these naked photoshoots with random girls, wanting to get naked, for what I assume is fashion, or art, or some other bullshit excuse to just get naked…is fucking boring… They are all the same, girl on couch, girl in bed, girl on Beach, girl in forest… It’s like tits can carry a project like Emrata, or Kate Upton…but give me more.. I mean have her juggling, or doing back flips, or being shot with paint balls, or anything… Who needs another picture of another girl…they eventually all become the fucking same… That said, here are the pics.. The post Kelsey is the Hipster for Purple Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kelsey is the Hipster for Purple Magazine of the Day