I had no idea who this bitch was, I just figured she was some trashy spic titties all over the place in a revealing dress like she was J.Lo in the the 90s, back when revealing dreses were considered insane, outrageous, slutty, daring, unchristian and everything else people went nuts about before the world turned into a gang of fucking slutty whores who plaster their vagina everywhere for people to see in exchange for getting noticed… It turns out she was in Girlicious….and that pretty much explains why I have no idea who she is….she’s just a good mix of trashy, tacky, stripper, and trailer park girl with a dream, probably willing to stick a lot in that pussy in exchange for the promise of fame Girlicious didn’t provide and that makes it all so amazing… Unfortunately, those pictures aren’t of that eagerness…
The rest is here:
Natalie Mejia Showin’ Tit of the Day