Tag Archives: gives-the-best

On October 21st, 2012 I met my idol Justin Drew Bieber, after 4…

On October 21st, 2012 I met my idol Justin Drew Bieber, after 4 years of trying. I was reading the other Bieber experiences on here and I saw that bieberfever.com was giving away meet and greets, and that they had 10 winners a show. I didn’t have a ton of merch but I decided to enter anyways. I got all my stuff together, took the picture, and sent it in. Then every night until the day they gave them away, I prayed that I would win. They give away the meet and greets the day before the concert. On Saturday the 20th, I tweeted them my picture a lot! That whole day I was refreshing my email with no luck. Next thing you know there was an email in my inbox from BieberFever saying I’d won. I started screaming and crying and freaking out. Three of my other twitter friends won too. We were all freaking out. I couldn’t sleep that night. The next day I got to the arena at 10, hoping to meet some of the crew. I met Nick & high-fived Kenny. We went in the long long of meet and greets. When we were next I saw Kenny and said, “HI KENNY” and he said hi! Next thing you know they let us behind the curtain and I stopped. My idol was 2 feet away from me and I started balling my eyes out. They were pushing me toward the group to take the picture. I don’t even remember taking it. After the picture they were pushing us to go, so everyone gave him a group hug but I waited. As they were leaving I asked him for a hug and he said, “Of course!” He gives the best hugs and he smelled so good. I started crying so hard into his shirt and then I said, “I love you so much.” I heard him call out “I love you too!” We were only in there for about 20 seconds. Then we got in line to get our seats. The concert was breathtaking. Everything was amazing and I will remember it forever. I was crying my eyes out when he sang “Fall” and “Be Alright.” I also started crying after the concert was over. That day I will never forget. I was always be thankful to Justin and Bieberfever for making that happen. If you haven’t seen the Believe Tour yet, cherish every moment. If you haven’t met Justin, you will, I promise. Never Say Never & Believe. -@GHOSTSAREPUFFY Link: On October 21st, 2012 I met my idol Justin Drew Bieber, after 4…

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On October 21st, 2012 I met my idol Justin Drew Bieber, after 4…