I am an advocate of bush. The bigger the bush the better. I’ve loved bush since the 80s, and I’ll love bush until the day that I die…because bush is highly erotic, it’s natural…and it’s great to cum on…. I know there was a blip in the bush matrix, where people assumed that bald pussy was what everyone wanted. There were even homosexual closet case men who would say things like “hair is gross on a woman”…and really believe it…I don’t know where they got that from, real men fuck anything…so I guess their intentions for that vagina were weird… I used to want to stage protests outside waxing studios, as a joke, I even wanted to infiltrate one as a waxer, you know get certified as a waxer, to make girls feel creeped out getting waxes, while seeing a lot of pussy in the process…and I guess that dream is still alive, because this demo video from a waxing company is fucking erotic to me… I used to google waxing and look up videos on youtube all the time, and never was it this erotic… Now I still love bush, I am a bush til I die, but Im not about to boycot a bald pussy, because I love all pussy, and I do still think the need to wax is idiotic, the insecurities hair girls have is idiotic, but seeing the process…of the wax…is amazing….at least when the model is this girl and not some fucking monster you don’t want to see the asshole of… The post Brazilian Wax Demo Video of the day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Brazilian Wax Demo Video of the day