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Is Ashanti trying to be an NFL wife with to San Francisco 49’er Darnell Dockett?
Is Ashanti Trying To Be An NFL Wife With Rumored New Romance?
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Is Ashanti trying to be an NFL wife with to San Francisco 49’er Darnell Dockett?
Is Ashanti Trying To Be An NFL Wife With Rumored New Romance?
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged ashanti, darnell, darnell-dockett, department of defense, government-had, Hollywood, mea-culpa, national, News, stars, the-toxic, TMZ
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The government had to cop to a big-ole mea culpa yesterday when the Pentagon confirmed that that the U.S. military shipped live anthrax samples around the world via FedEx. Samples of the toxic bacteria went to private research laboratories in nine states and one in South Korea. CNN reports that four lab workers in the U.S. […]
Oooops! U.S. Military Mistakenly Ships Live Anthrax To 9 U.S. States Via FedEx
Britney Spears hit Melbourne on the last leg of her Circus tour amid some controversy over her lack of live singing out her shows. The Australian government had an issue with the Womanizer singer lip-synching some of her songs which is complete BS. If you have ever seen her live, Brit Birt works her ass off on stage, giving fans a great show
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Britney Spears Circus Tour Continues To Roll
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged Britney Spears, circus, consummate, Crowd, government-had, Hollywood, lip-synch-some, live-singing, melbourne, on stage, songs, totally-wowed, video-coming, wowed-the-crowd