RihRih is mourning the loss of her grandmother Clara Dolly Brathwaite , who passed away last night after battling cancer. The Bajan banger took to Twitter to announce the sad news and has posted several recent touching photos of herself, including a visit she made to the hospital to see her sick granny just two weeks ago. As well as pictures of herself with her grandmother when she was a child. The devastating news is said to have left RihRih in pieces and could be the reason for her recent shambolic performance the night before at the Peace & Love Festival in Sweden. Revellers at the event were left fuming by her performance where the singer was 45 minutes late, lip-synced and appeared to be intoxicated during her set. Rest in Peace Clara ‘Dolly’ Braithwaite! Give the girl a break! RihRih just lost her beloved granny but clearly still wanted to put on a show for her fans. Do you think the rebel star needs to properly mourn the loss of her grandmother and take a break form the stage? Check out more photos of Rihanna and her Grandma Dolly next…
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Poor Thang: Rihanna Devasted But Still Hits The Stage Slizzard After Grandmother Loses Battle With Cancer