Tag Archives: great-pantyless

Kim Kardashian Lingerie Pics for Factice of the Day

In some horrible decision making between the creative director, editor in chief and the marketing department over at Factice magazine’s morning meeting….Kim Kardashian’s fat body was shot in lingerie….and unfortunately, not with a fucking elephant gun. She got half naked, in what would be sexy outfits, if it was on some hot, tight bodied girl, waiting for you to come home from work….or even on your dumpy ass wife who has given you the gift of children and who you are codependent and in love with enough to see past the fact that she’s ravaged her body…from vagina to GUNT to tits…..all for you…and appreciate her putting on something to add some excitement in your otherwise boring as fuck relationship that is comfortable…and that you are used to….but when it is on Kim Kardashian, someone who no one finds hot, who has had her time to shine, and who likely offends 98 percent of the population who know she exits, this has gone too far and has gone on far too long, and should never have happened, and should never happen again….. These pics remind us that she should retire gracefully, even if you’re a pig who can’t be graceful in anything you do….she’s got all the money in the world, and doesn’t need to be humiliating herself while irritating us, and above all…she’s got a sister she can exploit who is built like an actual model, who we’d all rather see half naked… Get it together. you prime example of the horrible side effects of positive affirmations…. Here are some pics…they depress me.

Continued here:
Kim Kardashian Lingerie Pics for Factice of the Day

Jerry Hall’s Bush in an Upskirt of the Day

There is something amazing about bush…I figure it is because the bald pussy really got played out over the late 90s and 2000s…making it standard and repetitive for those of us who see and eat pussy…making the random bush you come across, or cum all over exhilerating and exciting….you know something different, something original, something natural and traditional, something that hasn’t been ruined by Kim Kardashian or the cast of Jersey Shore like it was a Brazilian wax… Unfortunately, old lady Jerry Hall isn’t really helping my case here, because her bush is on an old lady, as most bush should be, thanks to old ladies being from the Bush generation, moms before the whole bald pussy thing really happened, so she’s no ambassador here, she’s just like every over 45 year old who thinks Bald pussy is creepy….but let me tell you, bush on a 25 year old, who is going against the grain to have bush, because they get the importance of decorating a pussy like it was a Chirstmas tree the way nature intended, is fucking awesome… Either way, here’s a great pantyless, hairy pussy, old lady upskirt….

See the original post:
Jerry Hall’s Bush in an Upskirt of the Day