Tag Archives: gutter-drugged

Lance Armstrong’s Wife at the Beach of the Day

You gotta love beach tits in pants on a bitch who chose her man based on his money, his celebrity, his athleticism, his personality, his contribution to charity and helping others, who still jerks off to memories of Sheryl Crow’s twat bouncing on his dick over her man having testicles…possibly because he keeps a vat of sperm in his freezer that he uses to knock up a bitch when he has to, and that she can have spoonfuls of when she gets sperm hungry……..not that it matters…

Originally posted here:
Lance Armstrong’s Wife at the Beach of the Day

TV Commercial to Masturbate To of the Day

I don’t know why this commercial turns me on, I think it has to do with loving gutter drugged up pussy with herpes on both sets of lips….cuz that kind of emotional damage, from a wholesome girl with everything going for her, to some bad smelling, diseased, totally unstable and insane….maybe even scary…pussy has a desperation like none other. I’m talking 5 dollar blowjobs to strangers for a hit…and with scabs on her mouth like that…who wouldn’t pay 5 dollarsfor a piece of that….seems like a fuckin’ deal.

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TV Commercial to Masturbate To of the Day