Tag Archives: guys-irritating

Titty in Some Kanye West Weirdness of the Day

I accidentally listened to Kanye’s first album last night. Not because I like Kanye and want to reflect on his work and contribution to the world of music, but because I was hanging out with a group of 20 year olds and they thought it would be fun to listen to old school rap…I just kept on drinking and got to thinking that life probably woulda been better if that accident that got him press back when he was starting out, the world wouldn’t be polluted to these bullshit Lady Gaga inspired videos that only really make me happy cuz there’s some titty in it and titties should always be in music videos…but that’s just cuz I like titty everywhere…just last night at dinner I made a breast out of my mash potatos which woulda gone a lot better if I decided to titty fuck it after I left the restaurant. To See The Video Follow This Link – And No This Site is Not a Hip Hop Site GO

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Titty in Some Kanye West Weirdness of the Day

Jackass 3D is the Biggest Thing in 3D Movies Ever of the Day

Part of me find the Jackass guys irritating as fuck, another part of me remembers reading how to make LSD in a bathtub thanks to Big Brother magazine back in 1994, and realizes these motherfuckers are innovators. They live the good life. They are pushing 45 and still pulling crazy stunts bored teenagers do in suburbia only they take it to the next level, and this time around it happens to be in 3D and despite them not paying me to plug this, I find the whole thing pretty genius…. I want to thank hot pussy Bridget Tobin from Facebook and her hot pussy for posting this on Facebook to keep me in the loop of what’s going on in pop culture. I wanna fuck your face, pussy and ass equally, momma.

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Jackass 3D is the Biggest Thing in 3D Movies Ever of the Day