As you probably know, in the 24 hours since the world learned that Ben Affleck and Jennifer garner are getting divorced , there’s been no shortage of rumors regarding what exactly tore the couple apart. We’ll probably never know exactly why Ben and Jen split , but all fingers seem to be pointing to Ben as the party responsible. One source claims Ben neglected Jen to focus on his career , but all other insiders who have spoken out say that the problem was basically that Ben was a 42-year-old frat boy. He was a married father of three, yet by all accounts he lived his life like a really depressing episode of Entourage. We don’t know for sure if Ben cheated with Emily Ratajkowski or if his drinking and gambling were as out of hand as several sources have claimed, but apparently whatever bad behavior he was engaging became too much of a strain for Jen to bear. “Ben was essentially her fourth child, and she resented it,” an anonymous source claims. “There was constant pressure on Jen, that she admittedly put on herself, to make sure Ben was on track, not partying or drinking too much. “There were always constant reminders Jen had to give Ben about their kids’ school activities, sports, and their social obligations. “Jen was always taking care of Ben’s needs, and she was the strong one in the relationship. Along the way, Jen realized this, and her needs weren’t being met…Jen is looking forward to the future, and having some much-needed time to herself without worrying about Ben.” Hopefully, for the sake of the celebrity gossip world, this means that Ben being unleashed will result in a binge of boozing, black jacking, and banging the entire cast of the “Blurred Lines” video. Run along now, Ben. The grownups are counting on you.
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Ben Affleck Behaved Like Jennifer Garner’s "Fourth Child," Source Claims