It's been over six months since the world learned that Leah Messer and Jason Jordan are dating . During that time, Leah and Jason have broken up at least once, but these days, they seem to be doing better than ever. Recently, Leah took to Instagram to answer some questions about her personal life, and naturally, fans were especially curious about Jason following his TV debut on this week's Teen Mom 2 season premiere. Some were surprised by what Leah had to say. Others believe she hosted the Q&A as damage control following some unexpected revelations about Jason. Take a look and decide for yourself: 1. The Beginning Leah and Jason made their relationship “Instagram official” back in July. 2. Too Much Too Soon? The couple moved fast, and it wasn’t long before was Leah posting photos of herself spending time with Jason’s family. 3. Ups and Downs But the honeymoon period didn’t last, and the couple called it quits in October. 4. They Couldn’t Quit Each Other Within weeks, however, the couple was back together in time to spend the holidays together. 5. Christmas Reunion Leah even declared her love for Jason in the caption for this tree-decorating video. 6. Going Strong These days, Leah and Jason are reportedly doing better than ever. View Slideshow
It’s been almost three years since the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls , four of whom were his sisters. Initially, it looked as though the scandal would bring an end to the Duggars’ wildly lucrative media empire, especially after Josh was caught cheating on his wife using an online account he created solely for that purpose. In that time, the rest of Josh’s family has gone to great pains to distance themselves from the disgraced former lobbyist. He rarely appears on any of his siblings’ social media pages, and the Duggars have gone to such great lengths to keep Josh off their popular reality show that he was once digitally erased from a scene in Counting On . These days, Josh works on a used car lot owned by his father, and while he’s still invited to family functions, sources say he’s mostly cut off from his siblings and parents. Along with his wife and five children, Josh lives in a separate town, attends a separate church, and has little involvement in the day-to-day lives of his more famous family members. Josh’s parents helped him to avoid criminal prosecution, but there’s a modicum of comfort in knowing he has at least paid some small price for his deplorable actions. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that Josh’s exile had led him to change his ways. In a recent discussion on Reddit, one verified user described himself thusly: “I live in Springdale and my uncle and aunt go to the same home church as the Duggars. They’ve attended my church multiple times and I’ve hung out with them at family camps and home school retreats a lot. “There seems to be a huge misconception that they’re insane (I grew up around this so my definition is probably different than yours) but if you have any questions I can try to clear anything up to the best of my ability.” He encouraged other users to ask him questions about the Duggars’ lifestyle and not surprisingly, it wasn’t long before the conversation turned to Josh. Asked if the family seems happy despite the tumultuous events of the past three years, the Springdale resident had this to say: “Honestly, yes, the only one who seems like she’s miserable is Anna. And as someone who has met Josh multiple times, he’s not someone who seems like he’d be a whole lot of fun to be married too.” He elaborated: “[Josh] just stares at every girl he meets like she is an object for him to do something with.” “Most of the Duggar boys are very respectful and are good at keeping their eyes up — Josh never has been, and I know he was reprimanded a lot for his wandering eyes as a kid,” the source adds. Obviously, it’s disturbing to think that Josh’s parents may have ignored early warning signs of potentially deviant behavior. But it’s even more disturbing to think the father of five may not have changed his ways. Sadly, with the wall of secrecy the Duggars have built up around themselves, it seems extremely unlikely that any further misconduct from Josh would ever become public knowledge. Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most famous family. View Slideshow: Josh Duggar Sex Scandal Timeline: How His Family’s Empire Crumbled
Those Teen Mom girls sure do stay busy, huh? So far this year, Jenelle Evans, Chelsea Houska, and Briana DeJesus have given birth, and Kailyn Lowry is expecting another baby anytime now. There have been rumors that Catelynn Lowell is pregnant again , too, and we wouldn’t be surprised to hear a real announcement sometime this year. Leah Messer has been the subject of pregnancy rumors as well, and Chelsea has admitted to having baby fever . And who knows when Maci Bookout could find herself with child again … All the ladies from Teen Mom got their claim to fame by being 16 and Pregnant, and many of them are sticking with what they know — which, hey, it’s a valid life choice. But according to the latest gossip, Jenelle could be the next girl to come out with a pregnancy announcement. And that’s scary. Right now, Jenelle has three children. There’s Jace, who will turn 8 next month. Jenelle had him with one of her high school boyfriends, Andrew Lewis, and she signed custody over to her mother shortly after giving birth. Then there’s three-year-old Kaiser, who she shares with Nathan Griffith. Finally, there’s Ensley, the baby girl she and David Eason welcomed less than six months ago . She’s certainly got her hands full, even with her mother maintaining custody of Jace. So why add to her already full plate by throwing another baby in the mix? We don’t know, but then again, we’ve never claimed to know the warped hellscape that exists in Jenelle’s head. The point is that she’s already got three kids, including a toddler and an infant, and if we’re to believe all the recent clues , she’ll have herself a newborn in a few months. The first clue can be found on Jenelle’s Instagram page — specifically in those dumb ads she always posts. In a recent selfie, she promoted some weight loss tea, the kind that’s supposed to make your tummy flat. But she didn’t even show her tummy. In another ad for a fitness supplement, she stood behind a counter in a baggy shirt, again completely hiding her midsection. Then, in a patriotic selfie she posted on Snapchat, her followers noticed that her stomach looked different than it usually does — sort of like it contained a baby bump. It’s all pretty suspicious. Throw in the fact that Jenelle is known to fib about her pregnancies, and people have been on high alert for anything that could indicate that she is, in fact, with child. And in a new photo David posted, we got just that. Here’s the photo in question: Cute enough, right? Considering the people in the photo. And while Jenelle may be looking a little thicker in the photo than usual — she looks great, honestly — the real juicy stuff is in the caption. “V.I.,” that’s what David wrote to describe this photo. “Oh, big whoop,” you may be thinking. “The guy hit some letters on his phone while posting the photo and it’s supposed to be a clue that Jenelle is pregnant?” But consider for a moment that the caption isn’t the result of David’s big fumbling man hands — instead, it could be a roman numeral. V.I. is the roman numeral for six, which, as far as we know, doesn’t hold any real significance for the couple. But Jenelle has two kids from previous relationships, as does David, and they have Ensley together … that’s five kids between them. And the new baby growing in Jenelle’s uterus would make six. It’s all just so very exciting, isn’t it?! Right now, right at this very moment, Jenelle Evans could be pregnant. What a world. View Slideshow: Teen Mom Couples: RANKED From Worst to First!
Ever since the world learned that Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third child , Teen Mom 2 fans have been clamoring for details. Unfortunately for them, Kaily is unlike most reality stars, who seem to live in a constant state of thirst. At first she wasn’t exactly forthcoming with details, and it was months before we even learned the identity of Kailyn’s baby daddy . As the big day draws closer, however, Lowry has been a bit less tight-lipped in terms of saring the details of her pregnancy with fans. Despite numerous pleas from fans, Kailyn still isn’t going so far as to publicly reveal her due date, but she had dropped some hints. Earlier this week, she posted this cryptic tweet: “So excited for my date with baby lo tomorrow.” “R u being induced?” asked one fan, adding. “Can’t wait to hear about the arrival of Baby Lo!” “Happy for you, have an easy labor and delivery!” tweeted another follower. One fan, no doubt echoing the sentiments of many others, tweeted: “About time, feels like you’ve been preggers forever!” A large number of Kailyn’s followers seemed fully convinced that July 6 would be the day that the mysterious Baby Lo would enter the world, and Kailyn finally reveal the name and gender of the much obsessed-over child. So you can imagine their surprise when the next day came and went, and no announcement had been made. Instead, Kailyn clarified that she was simply looking forward to her final OB-Gyn appointment: “One more appt today,” she tweeted, perhaps sensing that she’d unwittingly gotten her fans all worked up. But still, it looks as though the arrival of Baby Lo will take place any day now: Kailyn has been uncharacteristically quiet on social media in the 24 hours since announcing her final appointment. Like everything she does these days, that’s led to fans taking to social media to offer their unhinged opinions on whether or not she’s in labor. So to recap, here’s what we know: Kailyn probably hasn’t given birth to her third child yet. She probably will soon. We’ll keep monitoring the situation and update you when the big moment comes. In the meantime, you can always watch Teen Mom 2 online to get your Kailyn fix. View Slideshow: Kailyn Lowry: Timeline of a Turbulent Teen Mom Life
It has only been a week since the world lost beloved TV icon Alan Thicke to an unexpected heart attack. Friends, family and fans alike were shocked and saddened by his untimely passing, as tributes to the actor have poured in from those who worked with him and knew him well. One person who had […]
Ever since the world learned that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are dating , fans have been pushing them to get married and make babies with the urgency of a terminally bored grandmother. Rumors about Gwen and Blake getting married began circulating pretty immediately. Not surprisingly, Stefani pregnancy rumors followed shortly thereafter. We’re not sure why there’s been such a push for Blake to put a baby in Gwen, as she’s 47 and already has three kids, but the fans want it, and supposedly Blake wants it too. Of course, he hasn’t really said much on the topic. The 4 million Gwake stans who have changed their profile pics to photos of the couple and live-tweet The Voice like its a presidential debate seem pretty convinced that Gwen’s vagina shall deliver unto us a chosen one to lead us from the darkness. Thus, the Gwake-child talk continues … but with a twist: “They will absolutely pursue adoption,” a source close to the couple tells Life & Style. “It might be a baby, or it might be a toddler. But no matter what, they want a little girl in their arms by the end of 2017.” Psssht … adopting babies and toddlers is so passe. We say adopt a 23-year-old grad student and pay off his student loans. That’s the future, y’all! And it would be a perfect arrangement for Gwen and Blake. They can both remain devoted to their careers, and Blake can take the kid out to pound some Bud Heavies on the weekend, but they’ll still get all the satisfaction of attending his graduation and being like: “We did that! Us! As a couple!” Anyway, if there’s any truth to these rumors, then you can take them as a pretty sure indication that Gwen and Blake are planning to get hitched in the very near future. After all, why would they pick an arbitrary date like “the end of 2017” unless they were planning to be man and wife by then? On a related note: Blake and Gwen’s one-year anniversary is right around the corner, and it’s been rumored that Shelton’s planning to mark the occasion by popping the question. View Slideshow: Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani: 11 Most Adorable PDA Moments So you may want to just go ahead mail them some copper cookware now, Gwake stans. If your gift comes before anyone else’s, we bet they’ll totes want to be your friend.
Willa Holland is some born in Hollywood, connected in Hollywood, stepfather a huge director in Hollywood, her mom apparently the kind of woman who dates and marries huge director’s in Hollywood, her godfather Spielberg…her career based on the nepotism or the insular nature of Hollywood having enough talent bred in talent surrounded by talent to give work to than the whole social media talent that breaks into Hollywood now that social media exists since the world should be more democratic and we all deserve a fair shot…and social media is the only thing that comes close to that….it is also a platform for the connected girls to try to really be themselves, because they are exhibitionists, they are raised in the industry and thus have no souls, are damaged as rich girls are…and they too can play along with “getting followers”…using ass and tits… This is Willa Holland’s take on that…because like other instagram characters..she’s a “photographer”… The post Willa Holland’s Ass and Tits Flash for Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Willa Holland is some born in Hollywood, connected in Hollywood, stepfather a huge director in Hollywood, her mom apparently the kind of woman who dates and marries huge director’s in Hollywood, her godfather Spielberg…her career based on the nepotism or the insular nature of Hollywood having enough talent bred in talent surrounded by talent to give work to than the whole social media talent that breaks into Hollywood now that social media exists since the world should be more democratic and we all deserve a fair shot…and social media is the only thing that comes close to that….it is also a platform for the connected girls to try to really be themselves, because they are exhibitionists, they are raised in the industry and thus have no souls, are damaged as rich girls are…and they too can play along with “getting followers”…using ass and tits… This is Willa Holland’s take on that…because like other instagram characters..she’s a “photographer”… The post Willa Holland’s Ass and Tits Flash for Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
It’s been almost three months since the world first learned that Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are dating , and the rumors about the couple’s apparent haste to start a family have been flying non-stop ever since. Are they true? Probably not, but then again – there was a time when we would’ve said the same thing about the reports that these two were hooking up. Last week, it was widely reported that Gwen is pregnant with Blake’s baby . Shortly thereafter, several media outlets claimed that Blake and Gwen are expecting a girl . Now, the latest news out of Gwake Land is that Gwen and Blake have been busy picking out baby names. “She [Gwen] loves the name Sedona, after the city in Arizona, and the name Flynn because it’s her mom’s maiden name,” a source tells In Touch. As many fans have pointed out, Sedona Flynn Shelton has quite the ring to it. Still, we think the whole situation smacks of fan fiction. Is it possible that Gwen and Blake are expecting a daughter together? Of course. It’s just not very likely. Gwen is a 46-year-old, newly-divorced mother of three who seems focused on her career at the moment. (There have been rumors that she’s hard at work recording a new album). Blake has been married twice before and has never shown any interest in having kids. What we’re saying is, we’ll be very surprised if it turns out these two are expecting. But then again, everything about their relationship is surprising. View Slideshow: Celebrities Expecting Babies in 2016
It's only been 24 hours since the world learned that Kylie Jenner and Tyga have broken up , but already, fans are clamoring for details about what drove the seemingly-inseparable couple apart. It may be a while before we find out exactly why Kylie and Tyga called it quits , but last night, Kylie kind of addressed the breakup for the first time in a brief Snapchat video. In the clip, Kylie is having her makeup professionally done and listening to Bryson Tiller's “Been That Way” when she suddenly looks into the camera and mouths the lyrics, “I wanna know how we became so distant, girl.” As you already know if you follow Kylie on Instagram , the girl puts a lot of thought into her social media presence, so it's no accident that she uploaded a video of herself rocking out to a breakup song just hours after news of her split went public. Obviously, the clip doesn't tell us too much about how Kylie's feeling, but later the same day, she posted another line from the song that seems to reveal more about her mindset: “Now I done caught feelings worth more than millions/ And I feel it, you hurting and I'm healing/ Girl that n–ga ain't worth it, I know you hear me.” It's been reported that Tyga was caught cheating and Kylie dumped him following an ugly fight. Based on her latest social media posts, we're beginning to think there's some truth to those rumors.