There's been a whole mess of brand new Teen Mom babies lately, huh? Chelsea Houska has her precious baby daughter, and Amber Portwood has her darling son. As for the dads of the show, Javi Marroquin and Ryan Edwards both became fathers again recently. In a couple of months, the franchise will welcome another cast member when Catelynn Lowell gives birth. And since the moms are getting older and getting into stable relationships and marriages, the likelihood of more babies coming into the picture are only increasing. So is Briana DeJesus going to be the next cast member to announce a pregnancy?! 1. The Happy Couple! So this is Briana with her boyfriend, Johnny Rodriguez. Cute, right? 2. Keeping It Quiet Briana’s been pretty private about this relationship so far, but we do know a few things. 3. Long Distance Johnny lives in New York, and since Briana is still in Florida, they’re long distance. She’s said that they take turns traveling to see each other. 4. Going Strong This has been happening at least since September — that’s when she first posted about him on social media. 5. No Drama Johnny doesn’t have any children of his own, so there’s no risk of going through the kind of drama that ran rampant when she dated Javi Marroquin. 6. Seriously And let’s be real, Briana deserves a drama-free relationship. View Slideshow
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Briana DeJesus: Having a Baby with New Boyfriend?!