Tag Archives: hand-the-very

Hairy Carly Foulkes is the T-Mobile Lady and She’s Naked of the Day

Look!! More low level actors or aspiring actors who booked one campaign in their lives trying to do the Emily Ratajkowski by getting totally fucking naked… It is not really naked people, it’s art beause she’s posing in obscure poses, cropped tight, holding onto dried flowers / cut flowers…in a brightly lit space…which for the record isn’t art, it’s just an attempt to stylize nude pics in a boring fucking way, with a hipster to match her hair type prop, in efforts to generate some buzz about her and to make her feel as though she’s working towards her dream… Apparently it works…because all it too was these pics for me to know who Carly Foulkes is. Now, I can assure you that I’ll forget her name in 3-5 minutes, but right now, right here, right this second…here’s another girl naked, not spread eagled, to get noticed. It’s a trend….a trend I don’t hate because I like seeing every girl naked…but a trend that makes naked not as exciting as it once was…. The best thing in all this is that if you asked her, she’d say this is a feminist movement…because she’s got hairy nipples…and bush…I’m good with that…even if it does the opposite of pay equity, seeing as models used to get paid 75,000 dollars from Playboy to do this…..and this girl probably got a free uber, if that….maybe a free lunch…she probably provided the fucking flowers…but look at all this press bottom feeding sites like mine are giving her….it was worth it… This is her in 2011 when she PEAKED.. THis is her INSTAGRAM and it turns out she did pay for the shoot – because she is part of the photography team that created this hipster bullshit “art”….. I wonder how long it will take them to get me to take it down because they are pussies and can’t take some constructive mocking.. For the record – my mocking of hipster naked for no reason fake art fake feminism isn’t directed at her hairy nipples , although, I don’t love girls with Hairy Nipples… Because I do love bush…and don’t think bush needs to be considered “feminist” movement or needs to be intellectualized…I just think all girls should have bush, the bigger the better because bald pussy is so fucking Kardashian… If you read this site, you’ll know that bush is my thing, I’ve been advocating it since before I had a site, I’ve had conversations with girls and had girls I fuck or even sext grow out their bush for me, OFTEN, bald pussy is fucking dumb…and Kardashian…. I have also had fights with girls with armpit hair because they are just being trendy and spend too much time on TUMBLR….bush and armpit hair existed when girls didn’t have the right to vote so stop being an asshole about your hygiene you clueless twat….and just grow out the bush and send me pics of it… The fact that any girl gets considered a brave warrior for growing out nipple hair or for being fat…is ridiculous. MORE OF THE PICS HERE The post Hairy Carly Foulkes is the T-Mobile Lady and She’s Naked of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hairy Carly Foulkes is the T-Mobile Lady and She’s Naked of the Day

Elsa Hosk Naked on Instagram of the Day

Elsa Hosk is better than IKEA… Elsa Hosk is recycling nude pics of herself for her social media – that involve her being totally fucking naked for nude photographer with credibility David Bellemere, which is stepmother in french, and as a drunken stepfather, I feel a connection with my feminine counterpart, even if he’s actually made it and has been embraced by his brand of porn and perversion, now working for Victoria’s Secret…while I’m just barely existence with mine….in what I guess is concrete evidence that stepmothers are better than stepfathers… Oh and Elsa Hosk, this girl has a career because she’s been getting naked forever, also part of Victoria’s Secret empire and pretty lovely…as she replaces Candice Swanepeol because she’s less expensive and more eager… I am more into this pic of her that she posted: The post Elsa Hosk Naked on Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Elsa Hosk Naked on Instagram of the Day

Hannah Davis for MAXIM of the Day

The only problem with me not being a dot com billionaire, being the age of the average dot com billionaire, reminding me I should have done actual dot com billionaire work, instead of low level blogging…..I digress… The only problem with me not being a billionaire is that I can’t play first hand the very interesting game that can be applied to all Sports Illustrated models…that I call “Demi More Indecent Proposal”….where you throw numbers at a girl for sex until she agrees… Whenever I do a post on one of these SI girls, who I know gets very little to no paid work, I know….they are either rich kids or on some other program using rich guys for that rich person life they live… I just don’t have evidence of their price..but I do know SI is a great escort agency or platform to meet the perfect kind of guy into hiring girls like this… Her name is Hannah Davis…she’s in the NEW maxim…which is probably as bad at the old maxim…but the old maxim used to always try to sue me…so I like the new Maxim better because at least they feature babes…since hooker or not…this is a babe.. Just as Derek Jeter, who proposed to her, which in “hooker world” is bought another year with her so she shuts the fuck up about his level of commitment to her, as she tries to secure her future and can’t give one dude her prime years without commitment…right? And what it comes down to is I wonder who pays the rent, utilities, food in that household…right? Hooker. I’m pretty sure I’ve posted these pics before…oh well…repeat… I am too lazy to look and I already wrote this genius…. The post Hannah Davis for MAXIM of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Originally posted here:
Hannah Davis for MAXIM of the Day