Tag Archives: handle-the-rest

#GrownManShit: Please Fellas, Do Us A Favor And Wear Deodorant This Summer

Source: Jupiterimages / Getty It’s officially summer and let’s face it, it’s going to be hotter than fish grease this year.  Before you go outdoors thinking that you’re going to skip the deodorant and let Mother Nature handle the rest, let us remind you that this is not a time to risk it all.   Love thy neighbor and make sure you swipe some Old Spice once or twice before you go out in public. Thank you CASSIUS , for speaking that real!

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#GrownManShit: Please Fellas, Do Us A Favor And Wear Deodorant This Summer

Jessica Sutton Will Blow Your Mind

Sorry Arianny Celeste and Brittney Palmer , but I think I may have just found my new favorite ring girl: Jessica Sutton . According to my research, she’s a ring girl for the World Series of Fighting, whatever that is, but who cares? Just look at how well she fills out a bikini (not to mention a handbra ). Since I do want to be fair and all though, I figure I’ll give Arianny and Brittney a chance to reclaim their title. They just need to let me know if they prefer a three-way leg wrestling match or a Jello Royal Rumble and I’ll handle the rest, like setting up my mom’s backyard and negotiating the pay-per-view deal. » view all 15 photos Continue reading

Kelly Brook Is Breaking My Heart

Because all my favorite celebrity hotties are just crushing my dreams right and left today, here’s Kelly Brook with some meathead-looking male model dude who’s rumored to be her new boyfriend. Honestly, I don’t see what he’s got that I don’t. Besides a job that requires him to actually go outside and not wear the same pair of sweatpants all week. What a loser. And what makes these pictures even worse is that this guy’s showing more cleavage than Kelly. I can handle the rest of it, but I’m sorry, that’s just not right. » view all 13 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Kelly Brook Is Breaking My Heart