Click Here To Register For Youth Basketball Camp You and your family can enjoy the celebrity game and entertainment at 6:30pm It’s absolutely FREE entry! Atlanta Metropolitan State College Address: 1630 Metropolitan Pkwy Tuesday November 20m 2018
Source: Michael Buckner/KCSports2015 / Getty When adulting gets too redundant, grownups hop on their social media and imagine they’re in a far away land where they are not responsible for bills, kids, and more. Thus, the hashtag #IfIWereAKidAgain. Hit the flip.
Source: Jupiterimages / Getty It’s officially summer and let’s face it, it’s going to be hotter than fish grease this year. Before you go outdoors thinking that you’re going to skip the deodorant and let Mother Nature handle the rest, let us remind you that this is not a time to risk it all. Love thy neighbor and make sure you swipe some Old Spice once or twice before you go out in public. Thank you CASSIUS , for speaking that real!
Join REEC OF HOT 107.9 for a FREE BBQ and Block Party! Sunday June 24th 12noon – 3pm Reec Treats The City Free BBQ Magnolia Park Apartments 60 Paschal Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30314 Presented by PAYUSA Powered By Wendy’s & Hot 107.9
The Morning Heat’s Tuesday Trending Topics Honor student who brought pocketknife to school suspended for the year Dearborn Heights honor student Atiya Haynes was expelled after…