Source: Michael Buckner/KCSports2015 / Getty When adulting gets too redundant, grownups hop on their social media and imagine they’re in a far away land where they are not responsible for bills, kids, and more. Thus, the hashtag #IfIWereAKidAgain. Hit the flip.
Jennifer Lopez is taking quite a bit of heat today after she took to Twitter to promote her and Lin-Manuel Miranda‘s new joint project Love Make the World Go Round. While releasing a flurry of tweets, she included the hashtag #AllLivesMatter. While it seems like her heart was in the right place, the All Lives Matter movement has become […]
Folks are using the hashtag #AiyanasDreams to honor her memory and family. I dream of a world where she's still here. — BrownBlaze (@brownblaze)…
Turns out the rumors circulating earlier today stating that Kanye West was bidding farewell to Roc Nation were just that—rumors. Complex reports that, while Kanye…
Earlier today, R&B powerhouse Ciara and iTunes Music hosted a live Twitter chat using the hashtag, #AskCiara. Many questions were thoughtful, such as this one…
Time for yet another Twitter hashtag war: This time we’re following the example of Patton Oswalt (who says he stole the gag from tweeter John Ross Bowie ), and invoking the hashtag #ArtHousePorn. Let’s hear your libidinous riffs on arty cinema! We’ll list the best five examples we found on Twitter, add a few of our own, and then you can show us all up with your funny funniness.
Time for yet another Twitter hashtag war: This time we’re following the example of Patton Oswalt (who says he stole the gag from tweeter John Ross Bowie ), and invoking the hashtag #ArtHousePorn. Let’s hear your libidinous riffs on arty cinema! We’ll list the best five examples we found on Twitter, add a few of our own, and then you can show us all up with your funny funniness.
The only person in America who’s had a more interesting week than this guy is Charlie Sheen. Last Monday, he was the left’s new hero for his bravura, screeching, truth-to-power grandstanding on the Wisconsin assembly floor. The next day, local police revealed that he’d recently been cited in connection with a prostitution sting on a Hotair: Wisconsin Dem Assemblyman to GOP Colleague: “You Are… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Katy Pundit Discovery Date : 01/03/2011 03:31 Number of articles : 2